Sunday, March 15, 2015

We Made It

Praise the Lord, we made it to camp without incident.  The flights were on time and pleasant. 
We arrived in London on Friday and made a bee line to Stonehenge, It was pretty chilly there but we had a nice but short stay there and then had to get back to the airport and make our connecting flight to Johannesburg. 

We arrived in Johannesburg on time and then caught a short flight to Livingstone, Zambia.  Again, praise the Lord, our luggage – although thoroughly searched by TSA, all made it there – all twelve bags.

Our friend and missionary were there and waiting for us.  So glad to see Jako!  We stopped for supplies and food and then started our trek into the bush.  Again, no problems.

This morning we woke up and headed to church after a quick bite.  It was great to be there worshiping with our Tonga friends again.  After a very charismatic server, we headed home to camp.

We ate lunch and then took a tour of the “stump farm”.  You won’t believe the corn (or maize) crop that Jako is growing there.  God is surely blessing him for sure.

Tomorrow we’re going to hit the ground running and get some stuff done.  We might be able start the roofing project later in the week.  There’s a fuel shortage problem in Zambia and finding transportation to haul the steel we need to start the roof is going to be tough.  But Jako has a long list of things he’d like us to accomplish while we’re here.

I’ll try to blog at least every other evening.


  1. Yay! So thankful to hear that your journey there was uneventful!! Many prayers have been said while we waited to hear from the team. Thank the Lord for your safe arrival and extra blessings for all the luggage arriving with you! Hi to everyone and our love to Bill! Blessings - Margaret, Ashley, & Josh

  2. Just wrapped up the FBCW Missions meeting at church when Ed said you had posted - brought a smile to everyone's face here. Thanks for the update on the "stump" farm - grateful to learn our work there last year is yielding results for MOL. I am sure Jako and Amber will keep all five of you out of trouble mostly and busy. Tell Kerry "thanks for not taking that bit of steak to work on Thursday for lunch - made for a tasty dinner on Saturday." Hugs all to the 3 J's and Amber from me. Love and prayers, Denise

  3. Praise the Lord and pass the nshima.

  4. Second try to post.
    To my awesome wife Candi I love you modest!
    The girls had a great time in NYC you will get a full report I am sure. Erik's ring ceremony went well she seems the really like her ring it turned out real nice.
    Amanda's dress was a fiasco for sure, but I drovebto Annapolis and picked one up today.

    Bill I owe Jako many work days and laughs to get back in the good graces!

    Steve you should have been toldbyou are awesome today!

    Be safe all, love you guys and especially you Candi

  5. Hard to post sleepy and on the phone bad spelling and grammar.

