Sunday, January 18, 2015

Gearing up for our 2015 trip

We're preparing for this year's trip to Zambia.  This year we're going in March, which is their fall season. The foliage will be green and thick and the creepy crawly creatures will be out and about. It should be a much different experience for most of us, as it's normally winter time there when we go and most everything is dead and brown (kinda like our winter but without snow).

There are 5 of us going this year - me (Bill), Kerry, Steve, Candi, and the rookie, Bobby.  It's going to be a great trip and we've begun our jam packed training and preparation phase.  It's looking like our main project there will be to put a metal roof on the 1st/2nd grade school that we started almost two years ago.

Our mission dates are March 12th (late) until the 28th around noon.  We're headed there via London.

That's it for now.  I'll post at least once more before we head off.  We'll do our best to keep you updated once in country.

Until then, please pray for us and we prepare.  Pray that will all remain flexible, adaptable, and trainable (FAT).  Pray that God will do great things with us and through us.  Also please pray for our missionaries, Jako (pronounced ya-koo) and Amber, and their two boys Jakob and Jeremiah.  Pray for their success in their ministry, overall health, protection from creepy crawly creatures (especially snakes), endurance to keep on working in very harsh and austere conditions, and for guidance to follow God's will in all things. Please also remember to pray for the locals there who know and love the Lord, including the children in the orphanage and the house mothers that care for them.  

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