Monday, July 28, 2014

Worship and a Harvest

Greetings all!

Sunday was an incredible day of worship at the Mukamba church.  After a bible study led by Jako on the offerings of Cain and Abel, we were led in music by Pastor Petrus's wife, Rasta.  It is amazing how the team was able to join in and sing along without even knowing the language.  And, then we shared a few songs.  Elizabeth and Briana sang a beautiful duet.  We spent the rest of our day interacting with the children and house mothers at the orphanage, doing some light camp life tasks, or just fellowshipping with one another.

Monday was just as incredible in a different way.  After a nice breakfast we loaded up chainsaws and a packed lunch and headed out to, what has been affectionately named, "the stump farm" where there is a plentiful harvest indeed.  We are in the process of clearing more land for maize (corn).  This process entails us cutting up already felled trees.  Steve and Ed worked the chainsaws, while Deb, Briana, Elizabeth, and Denise gathered all the dead-fall to pile around the stumps so that they could be burned out.  Joshua seemed to be right in his element wielding an ax.  It was a hot day in the bush, but quite a bit was accomplished.  Upon our return to camp, Denise shared a bible study with the house mothers while Elizabeth and Briana kept the children entertained.  Deb learned a new skill, how to clean maize.  Steve then got busy with some welding and grinding to create a frame for a new roof to be installed over the bunkhouse.

We share times of food, fellowship and devotions around the camp fire each night.  We all laugh at Mr. Steve's silly jokes and impersonations.  As you can well imagine, everyone is quite weary, but in great spirits as we continue to serve and celebrate the joy we have in our Lord.

1 comment:

  1. With prayers for your continued great work and offering to God - and also prayers that the children and people of Zambia will teach you and enrich you each in your faith. I love reading the post daily and catch just a glimpse of the campfire and the stars each night as I read. Blessings and peace to all with a special hug for Denise!
