Saturday, July 26, 2014

In Zambia 2014

Greetings Mission partners!

Sorry for the lateness of this post, but things got busy quickly.  We made it through all of our travels without any troubles.  In fact, for the first time that I know of, we were in the express line at Dulles security.  We got to keep our shoes and belts on, left our liquids in our bags, and if we had a laptop, "leave it in the case in your bag!"  What a blessing that was.  When we got to South Africa we rendezvoused with FBCW's Ryan Ervin and missionary Johannes Beukman.  It was a nice layover filled with fellowship and a nice soft bed after 18 hours of flight time.

After landing in Livingstone, Zambia, we loaded up on supplies and fuel and headed into the bush. A few dusty hours later we arrived at the Mission of Love. We got busy putting away all the supplies and getting settled into our sleeping quarters.  We said goodnight to our hosts Amber and Jako, and good morning to little Jeremiah who woke up shortly after lights out (that long nap in the Land Rover took the edge off).

We were awakened Saturday morning by one of the orphans who had somehow gotten a fish hook in her finger.  One minor surgery later the hook was out and slop pop was on for breakfast.  We had a quick briefing and then began to work on some projects around camp.  Elizabeth and Briana unpacked many bags of supplies that were just waiting to be sorted, while Ed, Steve and Joshua  worked on stockpiling some firewood.  Denise got busy holding down a sheep while Jako performed his second surgery of the day.  He had to administer antibiotics and lance a swollen jaw.  They have lost seven sheep to this unknown condition, but we pray that we will have saved this animal.  Deb spent some time working with the house mothers at the orphanage and getting reacquainted with the children.

We had dinner at the orphanage and truly enjoyed a time of fellowship with these wonderful ladies and children.  As we walked back from dinner, it was amazing to look into the southern sky and see the multitude of heavenly bodies unobscured by man-made lights. We serve a mighty and powerful God.  A big thanks to Suzanne for the gift bags, but more importantly for the note of encouragement.  Also, thanks to Mama Leon for the yummy sandwiches (airplane food can't compare).  Tomorrow will bring a day of worship at the Mukamba church.  We may be singing different songs, in a different type of building, even in a different language, but our God is the same, and always will be.  AMEN!!

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