Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Hello Blog Readers,

If a tree falls in the Zambian bush, and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?  You bet it does!  Tuesday was a very productive day.  We went to the stump farm again and had a joyful time with Obe, Francis, Thomas, and Sakambile'.  The Lord provided a refreshing easterly breeze along with some very rare cloud cover.  These two factors reduced the heat and gave us a spiritual boost enabling us to accomplish much more than yesterday.  At one point Briana found a chameleon.  She said it felt prickly when it crawled up her arm.  After Jako used it to frighten the locals (they have superstitions of these creatures), it was released in an area that won't be burned.  At the end of the work day it felt good to look out over the hectares and see piles of brush ready to be burned.

Just like yesterday Denise and Deb presented bible study to the house mothers while Elizabeth and Briana entertained the children.  It is a joy to watch the children warm up to us as they become more comfortable with the makua (whites).  While that was happening Steve continued working on the frame that will cover the bunkhouse.  Ed and Joshua worked on grinding a bag of maize.  So, as you can see when our workday in the field is done we still have other stuff to do.  There is always something to accomplish at the Mission of Love.

We got to eat dinner at the orphanage with the housemothers.  It was delicious; nshima, beans, and cabbage.  It was a joyful time filled with playing, wrestling, and laughter.  Please pray for the local people as last year did not bring bountiful rain.  It is difficult to upload pictures this year.  Every time I have tried I keep getting locked out of the blog.  Hopefully I am giving you description enough to create your own mental images.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.  They sustain us when the work gets tough and we remember how far from home we really are.

His servant and yours,


Personal messages:
From Deb--Brian, Amy, Cole: I love you. Ma and G'ma
From Briana--Mommy, Lindsey, Nana, Pop Pop, EKE, SME, AGE: I love you and miss you all so much (and Erika, you were right, it isn't scary!)  Love, Bea
From Denise--Kerry, I finally made it to the Stump Farm!


  1. Continued prayers for your mission and ministry in Zambia. Glad to hear a tree really does make a sound when it drops!

  2. Great bloging! I do not need pictures to visualize what God is doing there. Value your short time there and it is a great place to get alone with God!
