Tuesday, August 20, 2013

After Thoughts

I thought I'd post one last blog entry for the 2013 trip.  I asked my teammates for some parting words or thoughts about what the trip meant to them or how they saw God working while we were there.

Denise said: A special memory for me was seeing the amazing progress in Ruth!  Last year she was usually alone away from the other children; she tolerated being held but only tolerated it and she never smiled.  This year she is walking, playing with all the children, smiling (so long as there isn't a camera nearby)  and she has a warm, loving heart.  I watched her console little Richard (9 mo old) after he had been crying,  - a memory etched in my heart.

Richard said: I am resting in God’s word in Psalm 111:2-4

2 Great are the works of the Lord;
     They are studied by all who delight in them.
3 Splendid and majestic is His work,
    And His righteousness endures forever.
4 He has made His wonders to be remembered;
   The Lord is gracious and compassionate.

The psalmist says that we are to study and remember God’s works and this is what I am taking away from this year’s mission. Studying how He grows young Tonga believers to maturity. How He cares for the most vulnerable orphans. How he protected us as we dangerously cut, hauled and planted some of the heaviest and most dense wood in Zambia for use as fence posts. How He loves all of His people not just some. How we are starting to see His good work in the people of the Mukamba Village. We should remember past years of the LORD’s sometimes subtle sometimes obvious works. Remembering His works allows us to see His faithfulness and readies us for the calling beyond this mission so that we can immediately respond ‘Send Me’.

Debbie said: How amazing is God to allow us the gift of the Makumba Village once more. I learned how love can never stop giving. The woman that saw the Bible clearly with new glasses and the smile are forever etched on my mind. Amber and Jako and Jacob's prayers and J'miah with Denise are forever my family.  I am missing the house mothers and the children and Olivia Kristen Samara Nate Melanie Natalie's smile :) 
To God be the glory!

Ed said: After a three year absence what a blessing it was to find myself serving God back in Zambia.  It was a pleasure to re-connect with old friends, worship with our team and the local believers in church, and teach a lesson at the Twana Little School preschool.  Digging the footings for the primary school proved to be a difficult task, but God's presence was definitely felt as He sent a rare refreshing breeze on an otherwise hot, sunny day.  The entire team was in constant service to our missionary hosts, the local people, orphans and each other.   

Bill said: It's really amazing the things and/or the amount of things we get done there.  After my fourth trip, I'm still awestruck by what God gets done, through us.  This year we were only 11 people strong, only 5 men with an average age of 53'ish, and yet with the help of some locals, 700 meters of fencing was almost finished, one of the largest buildings in a 50 mile radius was started, and several miscellaneous chores/projects were completed.  

We go to Zambia to support a truly worthy mission, I invite you (yes, you!) to join in God's work there. Specifically, I'd like to see some younger men with strong backs to join in His work.  There's a LOT of work to do.  Believe it or not, but you'll unintentionally find yourself blessed far more than you'll ever dream of.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you all so much for your hearts in working with the souls in Zambia. And thank you for keeping the blog up regularly for those of us who were praying and desiring to stay as connected as possible. :)

    Finally thank you for embracing my precious niece, Samara and for showing her the ropes. She has had this trip on her heart for several years and it has been a joy to hear how God is using it in her life! Thank you for being a huge part of bringing that to pass!

    God's sweetest blessings on your all!
    Holly Wise
