Monday, August 5, 2013

Productive Day

We had a real good day.  19 locals showed up to mix the concrete for the footers, and now the parameter of the school building is done.  Tomorrow we’ll hit it one last day to finish the footers for the inside walls.  A lot of fence got hung, odds and ends accomplished, and vehicle maintenance done.  We also did the eyeglass ministry in Makumba, not as many people as Saturday, but a decent turnout.
One last day in the bush and we’ll soonly be on our way back to our loved ones.
Debbie says: Hello from Africa to Brian, Amy, and Cole.  See you soon, love ma.
Samara says: Hello from Africa!  I’m super happy here!  I’ve never eaten so many meals with my fingers, held so many beautiful munchkins, or gotten this dirty before!  God is doing so much.  Can’t wait to see what else He has in store!  Mom and Aunt Holly, thank you for your posts and prayers!  Love you all! Samara Eve.


  1. Heather and Joe K.August 5, 2013 at 8:24 PM

    WOW!!! The last day in the bush for most of you!!! Joe says "Time flies when you're having fun." :)
    I know that God said we are fearfully and wonderfully made, but you all PROVE it!!!
    You have made a wonderful, eternal difference!
    God has graced you all with favor, strength, safety, health and genuine hearts to SHOW His love so far from your homes.
    Thank you!!!
    Dad says he misses and loves you samara! I figure your update/post source will be returning to the states, so KNOW that we will be praying continuously for you, and trusting God to continue His protection and provision for you!
    SOOOO much love coming your way!!! we love you!!! mom & Dad

  2. Yay! God provided what was needed and wonderful things have been accomplished for His glory! I know your last day in camp may be bitter sweet for all of you, but we are looking forward to having you home! Hope you saw my previous post (2 days ago). Love and prayers for everyone, especially Bill! Love, Margaret, Josh & Ashley
