Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Last day in the bush

Well, our time here in Makumba is coming to a close, for now.  We completed all our tasks and a bit more.  Footers are poured, fence is done as far as we can take it, vehicles are running well, and spirits are full.  God has blessed us so richly.  He gave us strength when our muscles cried “uncle”, gave us endurance when we normally would have called it quits, gave us peace and unity to accomplish His goals here in Africa.  I urge everyone reading this blog to lift up Jako and Amber and their mission here in Zambia. 
We will be waking tomorrow at 5:00 to pack up and hopefully hit the “road” at 7:00.  Please pray for travel mercies out of the bush and into Livingstone.  Making that trek is all to often filled with challenges.
No specific shout-outs tonight, just a huge thanks to those back home praying for us and supporting our trip here.  Your prayers and money are well used, and greatly appreciated.
Depending on wifi connections in Livingstone, I’ll try to update the blog when we get there.

1 comment:

  1. GOD IS GOOD!!! we will be praying you all safely home!!!
    Heather Kohnen
