Saturday, August 3, 2013

Happy Saturday

Good day!  Most of the team went to a neighboring village and did the eyeglass ministry, with great success.  They saw a total of 107 people, issued 79 pairs of glasses, and 88 people said that they’d come back Monday morning for a Bible study led by Jako.
Bill and Kerry stayed back at camp to pour cement, but again the locals didn’t show to mix the cement.  Sad face.  So, the guys started working on stringing the fence wire and got a good start on it.  The ATV got fixed, and they helped Jako design a fence stretcher that hooks onto the ATV to pull the fence taut while we fasten it to the new fence posts.


  1. praise God they can see! Thanks for meeting that need, and for helping them to "SEE" spiritually as well. we are all still praying for you all and wont stop! So glad the troubles of yesterday are behind you. we have been loving all your posts and pics, and we are telling others. Many Blessings Joe and Heather Kohnen (Oh yea Samara, Dad says Hi)

  2. Hi to the team, especially Bill! We miss you, but know you all are doing the Lord's work! We are back from our trip safe & sound. We read about the injuries & illnesses and said some extra prayers for healing & recovery! We were not able to post something sooner, so hope everyone is well! Love reading all the posts about the daily activities and progress! Did the children like the pillowcases? Love & prayers to all, especially Bill! Margaret, Josh & Ashley

  3. Brother ED!!

    We are so delighted to read about your great adventure and are tickled to "see" that your eyeglass ministry was successful. Perhaps you were able to spare a pair for yourself, love? Know that we are praying and thinking of you every moment we are apart but also know that God has told you -

    "'Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."

    Love & Blessings,
    Rachael & Randy
