Friday, August 2, 2013

We made plans, and God laughed

I’d like to report that today was awesome, but I can’t.  We had plans to pour some more cement in the footers, but the locals didn’t show up to mix the concrete.  We planned to cut up the goat for tonight’s dinner, but Bill sliced his thumb a bit instead (we still had goat for dinner, and wow was it good).  Bill will make it.  We had some mechanical failures today, including a wheel falling off of one of the trailers, and a flat on the other trailer.  The ATV broke down about 10 miles away and Nate (one of the year-long missionaries here) ran back to get help.  And to top it off, Jako threw his back out and was down for the count (feeling a bit better tonight as I blog this).  Please keep him and Erika (still has some flu-like stomach issues) in your prayers.
On the positive side, Kerry and Steve safely cut and gathered over 300 fence posts. We got all of the fence posts cut and planted, now we just need to hang the wire.  BTW, these posts weigh an average of 125 pounds, and are some of the hardest wood found in Zambia. 
Tonight, we prepared for tomorrow’s trip to Enguba for the eyeglass ministry.  Please pray that all goes well and that we can help those in physical need as well as spiritually.
Hey Montine, Happy Anniversary.  Sorry to miss it again, but I know you know this is important. All my love from 1000’s of mile away.  I love you more than nshima.


  1. Feel better Erika! Just remember, dince I moved to California ;-) love and miss you daddy and aunt Candi! can't wait to see you in a week!!!!! : love you all so much! :-) -Linner

  2. What can I say - Richard, you are just a hopeless romantic (and I do mean hopeless)! Thanks for the chuckle - the grandkids thought it was funny too. Happy 44th!! Hope the eyeglass ministry goes well tomorrow. See you in a week! Love, Montine

  3. We are praying for each team member every single day for safety, health, strength, open eyes and ears and heart, purity, patience, and excitement and joy. Kid A praying extra for Ms Debbie. Mollie is praying extra hard for Erica. Asher is praying extra hard for Mr Bill. Abbie is praying for Mr Steve "and his tractor" (holdover from July 4th). Micah is praying extra hard for Mr Richard. Robyn for the ladies and Tim for the men. Each name is lifted daily and we rejoice, excited to hear what God is doing in you while you are doing for Him in Zambia.

    The Owen clan

  4. Jako hope your back gets better and please drop a spanner on Bill for me.
    Bill hope your cut is "Deep and Wide" :o)

    Erirka missing your smile hope you feel better soon. Love you Candi.

    Team Z keep up the great work.

