Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Today is the day the Lord has prepared us for

Nothing is a coincidence so I shouldn't have been surprised when the theme for this week's devotional "Devotional 365" (www.d365.org/todaysdevotion) was titled  "Power in Weakness".  Isn't that where our spirit should be as we journey into the unknown - willing to be weak?  Even those on our team who have made this journey multiple times will tell you that it is never the same, and what they encounter will be different then their prior visits. We can prepare to only a certain point and then we have to be willing to step into the unknown, like Peter did when he stepped out of the boat to reach our Savior.

Today's devotional asks me to consider my strengths and my weaknesses in light of which has the greatest potential in my journey of faith.  I am forced to answer that it is in my weakness because it is there that I meet God.  The gifts I "think" I am bringing, the places where I stand in "strength" most likely are not the gifts God wants me to offer. Am I prepared to be humbled by this experience? Sarah Turner's thought as she closes the devotional is a good reminder for this year's team:

Now as you journey into this day
Go understanding that it is not you, after all,
Who is powerful.
Any weakness you know only opens the door
For God's power to become evident,
And weakness to become your greatest strength.

Today we begin the journey, and we invite you to join us in prayer and by following us on the blog.  You can post comments at the end and we will share them around the camp fire at night.  It will be a couple of day's before I post again and then we will be in Zambia with Amber, Jako, Jakob, Jeremiah, Alyssa and Rachel and everyone at the Mission of Love Orphanage!

1 comment:

  1. As I am praying for all of you, my heart is in Zambia. I miss the people and their hearts. Lord willing, Zambia 2013 for me. Please know EVERYONE is praying for you, and asking me everyday about you.

    May you seek the Lord daily for your strength and tenacity to overcome. You all are bringing a beautiful smile to the Lord's face. God bless each one of you. Jim, I am so proud of you. I am missing you, but holding down the homestead until your return. All is well. Love you baby. -liz
