Sunday, July 8, 2012


You may wonder how do you go about preparing for a journey such as this? In addition to prayer and completing the lessons in our CultureLink handbook there are other things that need to be done. One of them is packing - we need to be adequately and sensitively prepared. Our bag is limited to 50 pounds and our carry-on needs to support us for at least 3 days if not the entire journey; sometimes checked bags don't successfully make it to Zambia! Just ask several members of the first trip.  The living room has become the Skinner family staging area; the tradition began with Hannah's trip and continues to this day.  Here is what that looked like recently:

This year, in addition to clothes and school supplies we are taking some basic medical items and I had that team bag to pack in addition to my own.  Yes that is a car seat in the lower left that we are going to put in another bag.  Each team member is responsible for their personal bag, carry-on and a team bag that will also weigh approximately 50 pounds.  Yes, some of us have been working out in preparation for navigating the airport with all this luggage!   

Tonight we met; weighed bags, re-organized the team bags so as not have too much of one thing such as medical supplies in any one bag.  The box in the back by the window is a post-hole digger. 

In preparation for the flight,  because music is important many will have their iPods along.  I asked the team for 3 songs they will be listening to, here are some of their answers:

Steve Rainwater: He has an "Imperials" theme going here: Sweet Sweet Spirit, He Touched Me and Growing Stronger

Jim Faison: Going for a bit different he says: I Win by Marvin Sapp; If I Could by The Pat Methney Group and Czippa and Ursanian Girl by Andreas Vollenweider

Debbie Arrington: Revelation Song by Phillips, Craig and Dean; Blessings, by Laura Story; and Your Name by Phil Wickham and Paul Balouch

Chris Turner: Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath; Blessed be Your Name by Tree 63; and Jesus Friend of Sinners by Casting Crowns. 

A friend of Chris Turner's sent her this "Jesus Calling" devotional recently and I thought it was appropriate for our trip as a reminder that God has been preparing the path for our team:  Approach each new day with desire to find Me. Before you get out of bed, I have already been working to prepare the path that will get you through this day. There are hidden treasures strategically placed along the way. Some of the treasures are trials, designed to shake you free from earth-shackles. Others are blessings that reveal My Presence: sunshine, flowers, birds, friendships, answered prayers. I have not abandoned this sin-wracked world: I am still richly present in it.  Search for deep treasure as you go through this day. You will find Me all along the way.

We will be dependent on the greatest communication link that exists: prayer. Tonight we hugged Will, one of our team members who was unable to go because of health issues - as he hugged us he committed to be in prayer for us - what a blessing he was tonight! Your prayers will make a difference, they will sustain us, heal us, and embolden us when we need it most.  You do not have to make this journey to make a difference in Zambia, you just need to enter into God's presence and you will be united with us.  For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20

1 comment:

  1. Good luck team!! We will be continually praying for you while you are "making disciples of all nations" (Matt 28) So grateful you are putting your feet to the ground and spreading the Word to Tonga people! God speed!
