Monday, July 16, 2012

We are here and busy

Blessings from Zambia!  We are sorry to have be silent for so long but the internet is quite precarious right now. We hit the ground running the morning after our arrival.  Our flight was long – it was non-stop from NY to Jo’burg into a head wind; currently it is the longest non-stop flight in commercial flights. There we said “good bye” to Ben and Ryan. Most of us have done well with the time change. All of our bags arrived except the post-hole digger which after Richard filed a claim has appeared in Livingstone. Jako will work tomorrow with Customs to obtain it’s “release” as we need it for working the fence line.  Our first day we were up with Jako and the rooster – yes,Kerry I did mutter “kill the rooster” but he is a handsome one.  We worked around the mission area, visited the orphanage and sorted through the supplies we brought.  On a personal note, I kept thinking heard Kerry talking somewhere on the home site – jetlag I am sure. :)  We had a traditional Zambian lunch of n’shima; cabbage and tomato relish and ground nut (peanuts) and pumpkin leaves – it was very good.  Yesterday, started very early – Jako woke us with some praise music – boy was it dark! The women had a prayer and Bible Study time while the men started the fires and breakfast prep. We went to the cattle farm for inoculations and dipping.  In large part due to your prayers there were only a few minor scrapes and bruises. We used the shoot to do most of the cattle.(Just a reminder to families this may slow us through customs on the arrival home.) Then we returned and part of the team began work on Alyssa’s school house addition – measuring and digging the footers.  The rest played with the children and Barbara and I did a Bible Study with the house mothers that was a blessing to all.  Then the whole team continued work on the footings. We had dinner with the house mothers and orphans after our bucket showers in the enclosed outside shower rooms. The meal was so good,but made all the sweeter by a chance to spend more time with the children.  Isaac and Ruth look so good – I know many of you have prayed for them both.  We were quite tired at the end of yesterday. Today we had a slower start and did preparation for Tuesday’s eye glass ministry before heading to church. Richard spoke about the upcoming marriage seminar we are offering Wednesday through Friday this week.  Jim, Alyssa and Rachel did children’s ministry and Jim lead us in worship songs – he sends his love Liz. :)  We rode on the tractor and walked back while the tractor went to get poles for Alyssa’s hammock.  The goat was killed today – it is being cooked as I type but this year there is no contest – Alyssa’s friend Rachel had already asked to kill it and she did with Jako’s help.  Deb,Richard and I butchered the meat after it was skinned.  Chris has found a new friend in little Jeremiah – she is now nicknamed the “baby whisperer.”  Tomorrow will be a long work day as we are working to complete the footing dig and begin the fence around the orphanage. We feel your prayers sustaining our team as we work here – please keep them coming.  They are more important then the food we eat – they sustain us to the very core!
With Love from: Barbara, Chris, Deb, Denise, Jim, Richard and Steve along with Amber, Jako, Jakob, Jeremiah, Alyssa and Rachel


  1. Hi all!! Glad to hear everything is going well! Please tell Richard that the business is fine. No lighting strikes or computers crashing yet (as does every year when he is in Zambia). But it is supposed to storm often this week, so who knows??

    We had fun at the beach and he was greatly missed! But we know he would rather be there anyway :) Uncle Eric took Jenna out in the water and taught her how to go under the waves when they came all by herself (it was a very calm low tide). Mom (me) was freaking out on the beach watching my 4 year old doing this by herself, but knew she was safe with Eric by her side. She is really 4 going on 8, like her big sister.

    I hope that everyone (especially those who have not been) really enjoyed church service. That is my favorite part of the whole trip! Did Rasta sing? I miss those sounds!! :) If you get a chance, please tell Pastor Petros and his family that I said hello!!

    Praying for you guys and definitely having mission withdrawal right now! We hope that it's not too cold! Please tell Amber, Jako and Alyssa that I miss them and it is wonderful to get all the updates from this blog and their blogs as well. Glad to hear the little ones at the orphanage are doing much better. Give Jeremiah and Jakob lots of hugs and kisses from us back home!

    On a side note, Denise - for some reason it is posting as if I wrote this (look at the top of the post - it says "by Karen Wilson"). Might want to check that?? Did you sign in as you? The other posts all say "by Denise Skinner." Since it is posting as me, somehow it is logging into my google account, which I would rather not have happen (this is my personal email/blogs, etc).

    God bless!!
    The Wilson Family (Duane, Karen, Olivia, Jenna and Marissa)

    P.S. "Where's Steve?" (He will enjoy hearing that)

  2. I send my love right back Jim. Church was lonely without you. Just not the same...Olivia and I are getting ready for the next five days. Thank you so much for this Jim. Please know we are praying for you and everyone there. 11 days...enjoy every minute and soak it all in. As much as I miss you, please know I am fine, and cannot wait to hear all about Zambia. Please take lots of photos. -liz

  3. Well, as you heard from Karen, our trip to Va Beach went well. The kids were wonderful and I got to spend a lot of time holding and loving on Marissa. She was 8 weeks old on Sunday and is cooing and smiling now.

    Everything is well here but we did have a major power issue at church on Sunday afternoon around 4:00 PM - not sure if it was lightning related or not. We are still trying to get up to speed.

    Glad to hear everyone is doing well and hope the post hole digger issue has been resolved. Much love to everyone!

