Monday, August 1, 2011

Countdown For Departure

We only have 1 more full day in the bush and most of us are, although happy to return home to our families, are sad that yet another year of mission Zambia is almost complete.  Tomorrow we will be finishing up odds and ends around camp, as well as getting ready for departure, which includes cleaning up the campsite and putting things under lock and key since Amber, Jako, Jakob and Alyssa will be joining us in Livingstone for our day of R&R.

A quick update from last night, we ate dinner at the orphanage and stayed after for the bible story and a fun game that the house mothers taught us called the Chitanga Dance.  Everyone joined in the fun (even the guys) and the orphans had a blast!  We also gave the orphans their gift bags that the children from VBS made for them!  They were each excited to receive them (including new underwear, socks and candy) and they all love their new bags!

F_Orphans Gift Bags

Today, they were able to start building the joists for the roof of Alyssa’s house.  Ryan and Ben spent most of the day working on this project.

C_Ryan and Ben
Dean and Ethan worked on cleaning up the bikes; tightening bolts, putting on chains, and generally fixing them as a whole because they came to us in bad shape.  Bikes in Zambia are not like bikes in America.  But they did the best they could to get them up and working for the children.
D_Dean fixing bikesDean and Enest Fixing the Wheel
E_Pumping Tires 
Pilohead Pumping Air into Tires
The rest of the men continued to work on the antenna, which is not yet complete.  They hope to have it up before we leave!

The girls spent most of the day finishing up the project we started in the library, organizing and cataloging new books that arrived with the team, as well as some other books that had not been completed.

A_Organizing the Library

At one point, Jakob came in and was “helping” us.  Candi pulled out some board books and started reading to him.  He laid intently on the floor listening to her stories! 

B_Candi reading to Jakob 
In the mission field, they teach you to be FAT.  Yes, you read that correctly, FAT:  Flexible, Adaptable and Teachable.  Things do not often happen as planned.  We schedule the best we can, but if it doesn’t happen the way we perceive it should, we are trained to understand that we must be flexible, adapt to what we are able to do and learn the lesson God intends for what is accomplished (FAT). 

This morning we intended to begin the hut-to-hut ministry, but instead had to become FAT.  Our translators were unavailable to help us today because they are attending a funeral for a friend’s father.  We completely understand why they are not able to help, and although we were not able to begin the ministry, we understand that God did not intend for this to happen today either. 

So our hope is to be able to try again tomorrow!  But for now I wanted to leave you with the web address if you are interested in “Sharing Jesus without Fear” for all the disciple makers at home and following this blog!

Thanks to everyone who is following for your continued prayers and we will be back for our last day in the bush tomorrow!

Zambia Team 2011


  1. Ben, we are so happy that you are in your element: Roping Cows, building roof joist and spreading the great news to those who do not know. Keep on working hard and stay safe. Sorry you did not get to kill the goat. The Carroll's

  2. Good afternoon team. There is a reason you all were not able to go out today. Only GOD knows that reason. It could have been for your safety or to touch another life in camp that you have not seen yet. Either way GOD has a plan for you all and from all that I have heard and pictures I have seen you are an inspiration to all the people here that I have talked to about your missions work. Have a great last day and really take in the all the work you have done and how GOD has worked through each and every one of you.

    Karen, the girls woke up this morning and told me to make sure I told you that they loved you. At breakfast this morning Olivia prayed for you and everyone in camp. Love you and I will see you 120 hours! (not that I am counting)

  3. couldn't have said it better than duane. : ) God has a plan and His will will be done. you all have been obedient to the calling of the Lord and have accomplished much for His kingdom. i am so proud to know each of you and i look forward to hearing all about your trip when you return. God has really been placing missions on my heart lately and i am excited to see where He leads me. whether that be overseas or right in my own backyard. after all, it's a command not a calling right karen? : )

    btw - "share Jesus without fear" sounded familiar and so i looked. Yep, sure enough i have it on my bookshelf. (surprise, surprise huh? lol) I just started reading, "the unchurched next door," but as soon as i finish that one, i will read the other.

    can't wait to catch up with you when you return. i pray that you are all feeling better and that you accomplish much over the remainder of your time there, enjoy your r&r and have a safe trip home.

    you'll remain in our prayers.

  4. Looks like great things are being accomplished! Ben - do you think you can build me a shed now? ha ha We are praying for all you have yet to do and all that God will do in the lives of those you have touched there. We can't wait to hear all the stories. Wear your life jacket! Love, Mom/ Barby Kronlein
