Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday Service and a Day of R&R

Sunday’s are always nice in Zambia, as it gives the team a day of rest and some time to fellowship not only with the missionaries, but the local people and the children at the orphanage.  After breakfast, we left for Mukumba church, a short 20 minute walk away (that is short around here).  We listened to Jako continue his Sunday school lesson in Genesis and Bill was gracious enough to prepare a message on how to pray, using scripture from Matthew regarding the Lord’s prayer. 

B_Pastor Bill“Pastor Bill” with translator Fanwell

Fred was able to take a lesson he had prepared from the TeamKid curriculum on Noah and the flood this morning to talk with the children during their Sunday school lesson.

A_Children's ChurchFred, with translator Charles

Pastor Petros and his brother Fanwell were sad to see the team leave again and it was a bittersweet farewell, as this was our last day in church before we leave the bush on a few short days away (Wednesday)!

C_Pastor Petros and Fanwell  Pastor Petros (right) and his brother Fanwell (left, who is also a pastor)

During church service, they offer anyone willing to stand up and give testimonies.  Karen gave a “report” on the eye ministry and encouraged the church to follow up with the new believers, emphasizing the importance discipleship!  Katie gave a small testimony on her Jewish heritage and how she can still be Jew, but also be a Christian.  It was very well spoken, with scripture to boot!  Pastor Petros was excited to meet a “Jew” and thanked her for her testimony.  Another man stood up in front of the congregation and sang 2 songs in the English language.  It was wonderful to see him sing in our language, just as we try to sing in theirs!

D_Talking wih the localsDean, Steve and Bill speaking with the man who sang the songs

The afternoon was restful.  Some took cat naps and others congregated in the kitchen chopping vegetables and preparing food for dinner.  Odds and ends were also completed around camp, like building shelves in Jako’s workshop and small projects around camp.  Fred went to the orphanage again with Alyssa to continue working with Precious.  She is enjoying his help and she looks forward to him coming up their daily to work on her reading.

Alyssa, Jakob and Amber even received haircuts today from Katie!  Isn’t it wonderful having a hairdresser on the team for a quick trim while in the bush!?

E_Getting Haircuts Katie cutting Amber’s hair

Tomorrow we will be completing more sand runs (this time they are going to take a vehicle instead of the tractor to try and help cut down on travel time).  We haven’t been able to start on Alyssa’s roof just yet because the supplier has not been able to deliver the wood.  They are supposed to bring it tomorrow, so maybe Tuesday we will be able to start putting together the rafters for the roof.

We are also excited that we will spend the next 2 days doing the hut-to-hut discipleship!  Our eye ministry took longer than expected, so we were not able to start it last week as planned.  This afternoon Jako sat down with several of us (Karen, Katie, Ben, Ethan and Bre) and trained us on how to speak to the Tonga people while in their homes.  We also familiarized ourselves with a program called “Sharing Jesus Without Fear.”  It is simply asking questions and letting the Holy Spirit talk through reading scripture to help people understand the importance of following only Jesus (which is a big deal here, since they have many gods). 
Tomorrow we will send the first group of people out and begin the ministry, so please continue to pray for us!  I know that many of you have been praying daily for all work and ministries while on our trip – so please add an extra special prayer for this new ministry of hut-to-hut discipleship that we will be starting tomorrow! 

A few of us also completed a prayer walk around the property today.  For about 30 minutes, we walked quietly around the entire property (using the roads nearby) praying for every aspect of the Mission of Love.  It was a wonderful opportunity to spend time with the Lord to pray for this mission; from the orphanage, to the missionaries, to the church and much much more!

Tonight we will be heading up to the orphanage for dinner and our daily dose of “nshima.”  Ryan took the left over meat from the goat and made a stew, so we will be dining on this (with cabbage) as well.  We will then spend some more time with the kids doing a bible lesson and playing some games before coming back to camp for our debrief and reading of the “comments” from the blog around the campfire!  So please know we do read them – so keep posting!

Until tomorrow…

Zambia Team 2011


  1. Hey everyone! It was great to read your post today; I have been working on some tasks around the house and kept checking on Ethan's iPad for an update (like I do every day). Fred, I am so glad you got to do your lesson for the kids today. Today in church, Eric began a three part series while Pastor Ray is on vacation about whether we are "fans or followers" of Christ. I prayed for each of you, as you are all certainly followers. Took a "walk" today but not to church - rather to wear out the dogs before church! Ethan, Steven H said to tell you "hi" he has been thinking about you. It is finally reasonable enough to be in the yard for a bit, hence the sighting of neighbors. Wednesday, they say we might see the high 80's - that would be a blessing. Praying for the "hut to hut" tomorrow and that the wood arrives for Alyssa's roof. Proud to know all of you! Love, Denise

  2. Ben,

    I have been keeping you and your team in my prayers. Today at church (Manassas Baptist) we prayed in my sunday school class for all of the missionaries from my church as well as for your safety and well-being along with your ability to spread the message of Christ, His amazing grace, and His undying love for all His children. I will be praying for the hut-to-hut mission and that these people you are reaching out to may know God wants them in His kingdom and has been longing for them to accept the free gift of salvation! I can’t wait to hear about this experience when you return!!! :) BTW, I'm listening to CD 5 right now. Took me long enough, right? haha Well it's good so far, but I'll let you know if my opinion changes later on... :p

    Miss you as always,

  3. It was a little late as a read this and both girls fell asleep by the time I was done reading. (I guess they heard the soothing voice all the way in Africa!)
    May GOD bless you on your hut-to-hut tomorrow. Would these be considered home groups "Africa style"? Look forward to hear how many lives are touched, even if it is only one. One more for the kingdom! (and that would get an AMEN from Sam in the congregation!) I pray everyone is felling better and look forward to seeing you all in a few days. Karen we miss you and love you.

    Duane, Olivia, and Jenna (who is now snoring!)

  4. we will be praying for you as you begin the hut to hut discipleship tomorrow. i am so excited just thinking about how God is going to use each of you.

    looking forward to hearing all of the details. until then, i'll look forward to the next update.

  5. Gotta Love Sunday's. My Favorite day of the week. Glad you all had a wonderful one.Big cheer out to Katie for testimony on her Jewish heritage.She is also an awsome hairdresser.Its heartwarming to learn how Precious is being helped by Fred with her reading.Praying for you all and especially for the hut to hut. Looking forward to next post.With Love, Drenda

  6. Glad to hear that things seem to be going well. God does some exciting things.

    Fred and Noah, I was going to mow but I don't know the combination to the LOCK!
