Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Our Last Day in the Bush

Tomorrow morning shortly after breakfast, we will be departing from the bush for our last leg while in Zambia, Africa.  Today, the rafters for Alyssa’s roof were completed, the antenna was finished and cemented into the ground, a the girls did a few more sand runs for Jako to have before the rainy season begins.

A_Sand runs

The jobs we came to accomplish were finished and we are proud of the work we have completed here in Zambia this year.  Just one correction from a previous post, the wood that was supposed to be delivered was for some projects for Alyssa’s school, not her roof.  We did have enough to finish the rafters. 

We also forgot to introduce you to our new friend, Charlotte.  She is about the size of my palm (Karen), maybe a little bigger.  She lives under the sink in the kitchen.  Because she is not disturbing anyone, they have left her to be in her comfy web and she appears from time to time for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Although I am not convinced that she will be making and pigs in Zambia famous… 


We did see a black mamba snake while at the cattle farm.  He was about 4 feet long … but is now deceased.  Black mamba’s are one of the deadliest snakes in Africa, not only are they venomous – they are fast!  But I will let each of you look that one up on the internet so you can read about that one yourself!  http://www.blackmambasnake.com/

We unfortunately did not get a chance to do hut-to-hut discipleship as planned.  So that is on the list for next year’s team!  Again, God had different plans than we intended and we are alright with that!  We were still able to spread the Word through our work and the eye ministry! 

For now, the team is packing up this evening and breaking down camp.  We will be heading out bright and early for Livingstone.  We hope to be able to post from their, however, their will not be much time to read comments, for we will not be debriefing in the evenings like we have been here.  But I encourage you to still comment!  Team members will review the blog once they get home, so they will enjoy reading them!

Thanks to each of you for your encouragement, prayers and support of this mission!  We are sad that yet another year is ending, but each one of us will take a testimony home from this experience!  Our departure is bittersweet and we will miss Africa, for once it is in your heart, you never let it go!
Signing off for now (unless there is a chance to post again before we leave)…

C_Zambia Team 2011

Team Zambia 2011


  1. Can't wait to see you guys and hear first hand how God used you. Praying for safe travels - see you soon! Love Stef Kurtz

  2. We will pray for you all to remain safe throughout the trips that eventually lead back to Woodbridge.

    I think Dana was all set for next year's mission until she realized that the spider will be under the sink, just waiting for her.

  3. Dean DO NOT eat a Hamburger!! God Bless you for the good you all do and be with each of you for your safe return home, I know all your families await with lots of anxiety! My Sons Mother ♥♥

  4. Steve must be responsible for the spider photo.

  5. Hannah and the Soltsi Team is safely home. Fred, we must have come in just after you called! So sorry we missed talking to you. I didn't see a call to my cell, though I had it with me.

    I know these last days will be great.

    We are looking forward to your getting home. The yard needs mowing (I don't know the combination to the shed lock)

  6. Yes, that spider pic may have done it for me! lol

    I am praying for safe travels as you head home. Can't wait to hear all about the trip!!
