Thursday, July 28, 2011

Who Killed the Goat?

So, in recent Zambia tradition, we have a contest to see who can guess which team member killed the goat.  And tonight, this event happened.  So please post your comments on whom you think killed the goat – and we will reveal the answer tomorrow!

Last night we were finally able to spend some time with the orphans.  We played games and reviewed their daily bible verse.  One of the games was the human knot.  Groups would gather in circles and connect hands with the person across from you in the circle.  You then had to find out how to get out of the “knot” without letting go of your hands.   

A_human knot The Boys
B_human knot
The Girls
After this we were able to sit with them and read for with them for a while.  They all have books written in English language and they practice their reading every evening.  Fred worked specifically with one of the orphans named Precious.  She is dyslexic and Fred knows a few tricks of the trade for helping dyslexic readers. So we are blessed that Fred was on the team this year to help Alyssa learn how to teach Precious, since she is challenged with this difficulty.  God is good!

C_ReadingFred and Precious Reading Together
Kerry and Bridget Reading Together
The team enjoyed spending time with the kids.  We will be going up there most evenings to do bible stories and games to spend time with them. 

B_the BoysOrphans pictured: Sylvester, Enest and Pilohead
E_the Girls 
Orphans pictured: Milium, Bridget, Ortevia and Cecilia
Thanks everyone for commenting on the blog!  We sit around the camp fire and read them every evening.  We love to hear from each of you!  Noah and Fred and doing MUCH better.  Amber is doing wonderful as well, today has been her best day yet.  Alyssa’s back is still bothering her in the evenings, but she was much better tonight than last night.  Her recovery will be several months of home physical therapy, so please continue to pray for her!
I asked Steve if he wanted to give a shout out on the blog and he said (in true Steve fashion) – Hugs to all my peeps!
Duane and the girls – Karen says that she misses you and loves you!  She is having a blast and thanks for all your prayers.  Can’t wait to see you in a week!
Don’t forget to comment with your guess on who killed dinner!
Peace out.
Zambia Team 2011


  1. It's awesome to hear that y'all were able to interact more with the children today and it is indeed wonderful that Mr. Wetzel was able to help Precious! As for the goat murderer I suspect it was Mr. Steve! :)

  2. Gonna have to go with Bre. :)

  3. From Tyler Lay,
    Hey Zambia missions team thanks for all your hard work and God bless you all! To keep you up to date, nothing great has happened here in prince William county. And dad I see why you shave your beard, because you are getting old with your gray beard haha! God bless you all be safe and love you Dad!

  4. From Margaret Dane,
    So glad you were able to spend time with the kids today! Love the pictures!! Looks like everyone had an awesome time working with the kids!!

    I asked my mom her vote on who killed the goat and she immediately said Bill!!!

    Blessings and prayers for the entire team! All our love to Bill!!!

  5. Well, I figure Steve also..but my son, could be the one, if he hasnt forgotten all his country up "Dean" has my vote on the goat. And great seeing him today!! God bless you all. My Sons Mother

  6. So glad to hear you all are feeling better! Continuing to pray for all of you. I love reading the updates & seeing the pics. Were they able to get the bicycles the other day? As for the goat, my vote is Katie. Take care & may God continue to bless you all. *hugs*

  7. Did Katie get your goat??
    Heartwarming to read the good news and see the pictures of you all playing with the children and then helping them with reading.
    Very happy to learn that Noah,Fred,Amber and Alyssa are doing better.Will continue to keep you all in prayer.
    With Love, Drenda

  8. Gonna say NOT Ethan - he kills the chickens w/Ben, which also means it can't also means it can't be Ben either. So I am going to guess Noah since he is feeling better. :)

    Love reading the posts. Visualizing each of your faces at yoga & praying for you. Each of the verses Yonson has used so fit the mission team's work. Still the 3 Hs here so appreciate the cool weather. Ethan , Wendy walks in your room, looks for you & sighs. I sigh too - but then I am looking at the laundry pile! Keep up the amazing work you are doing! Love, Denise

  9. HELLO!!!!! Hi, hola, aloha, greetings,(from AMERICA the beautiful!!!!) salutations, hi...again...:) waz up? whats up???.....umm......GOODbye, fairwell, pip pip cherio, and the great simple BYE. :) :) :) WE MISS YOU!!!! TO Ben FROM The KRONLEINS ( actually just me, Anna...:) )

  10. Hi Zambia team! As I write, the Wilson & Lay kids are enjoying a morning swim since its going to be 102 today! Olivia says Hi Mom. I love you & want to hear about Africa. Love, Olivia. Danielle says I love you Dad and I wrote you lots of pictures. Love, Danielle. Jenna says I love & miss you Mom. Austin says you're the best dad ever and I love you Dad. Karen- miss you & showed Duane how to comment :) I will have to pick my husband as the goat killer :) i love you & miss you Dean!!
