Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Starting to Work at the School

Well, I am sorry to say no post of the kids yet again.  We will try again tomorrow.  Today we did eye ministry and field clearing again.  The eye ministry worked for half the day at the Mukumba soccer field and we had the biggest crowd yet!  We served 45 people steadily over a 4 hour period and then broke for lunch back at camp.

The field clearing team finished up their work for the week today as well.  To get to and from these places, we use Jako’s tractor with the trailer attached to the back.  The team that went to the fields today were able to complete what was asked of them and they will be working around camp for the next couple of days.

B_Field Clearing 2 Steve driving the tractor
A_Field ClearingThe team in the rear trailer (minus Bill taking the picture)
C_Field Clearing 3 Clearing stumps in the field
When the eye ministry finished, they broke for lunch and then worked with Alyssa at the school.  The walls and roof are up, but there is a lot of mess to clean up so that we can continue.  Dirt filled the floor and we needed to clear and clean the walls of excess plaster (don’t ask – the short of it is the builder who was helping goofed and is no longer working for Jako).  It was a dusty job!  We are hoping to get in there and finish cleaning up so that they can begin working again and complete the school building, such as adding doors, windows, etc.


Jako and Ryan drove to town today.  They picked up more building supplies, refueled the gas tanks and hopefully were able to purchase the bikes for the orphans from the VBS offering!  They haven’t returned yet, so when they come home we will see if they were able to get them!

Now for an update on our team mates.  Noah is feeling much better.  As you can see from the pictures today he was up and working in the field.  His throat does hurt a little.  But he is much better than yesterday.
Amber is still slowly recovering.  She has almost lost her voice and she had to nap today from being worn out and tired.  And Alyssa’s back still continues to act up on her in the evening after a long day.  So please continue to pray for the both of them.
And Fred woke up feeling nauseas  with stomach pains, so he stayed home from work today to try and recuperate.  He wasn’t sure if it was something he ate but whatever it was, it wasn’t settling well.  He did come visit the eye ministry today because he was close by.  He counseled a little and then left to rest again.  So please continue to keep him in your prayers as well.
Bill says hello to Hunni and the kids.  Love you.  Doing great here.  Happy Birthday Josh! 

Noah says love you and miss you Katie.
Sorry there is not much more to update you on, but we are not doing too many “new things” as of yet.  Hopefully we will be able to post about the children soon, when we are able to visit them while they are home.  Long walks to school make it difficult to spend time with them during the week.  By the time they get home, eat and take baths it’s bedtime.  But this weekend we should be able to do much more with them since they will be home.

Until next time…

Team Zambia 2011


  1. Thanks for posting the pictures. In the one picture that Bill took, it looks like the sun is out but is that coats I see the guys wearing? Is the temperature nice and cool there? It sounds like the eye ministry has had the opportunity to reach a lot of people - praise God! I hate hearing that sickness is keeping some of you down but don't worry, God is still working! I'll continue praying for healing. You guys are awesome in the Lord!! Looking forward to tomorrow's post!! Love, Stef Kurtz

  2. Dear Heavenly Father, please let your healing hands touch Amber, Noah, Alyssa and Fred and they be totally well soon and may the others continue with good health. Lift them up Oh Lord for healing, staying healthy and strong. So they can do the wonderful things they have oome to do for these precious children. In the goodness of your name. Amen Love to you all! My Sons Mother♥♥

  3. We are praying for everyone to get and remain healthy! It is so wonderful to see and read about the work you are doing in Zambia and know that God is working through each of you in such glorious ways! Dean: we all love and miss you very much! The little ones kept insisting I call you to say good night last night. You would have laughed to see their faces when I explained you don't have a phone :) Love you!

  4. Well, I like that Noah, Love to Katie and nothing to MOM!!!! Glad you are feeling better. Tell Pop that Ella and Caleb and I are having lots of fun. They came Tuesday and will leave Saturday. Hannah's team isn't able to post.

  5. Yeah Noah! Good news, the Russia blog is up and running, as of yesterday:

    Karen, hope you don't mind that I posted the link.

    Love, Stef Kurtz

  6. LOL!!! Poor Jill!! Is this what i have to look forward to someday? ; ) Just kidding!

    I am so sorry to hear that some of you haven't been feeling well. I've been praying for all of you. I hope everyone is feeling much, much better today.

    It sounds like things have been going well. I have to admit, i'm feeling a little like Pastor Erik... hmmmm. (shocked karen?? lol)

    Speaking of.... i am currently watching two beautiful little girls who wanted me to pass along the following messages:

    Jenna - i love you!!!!

    Olivia - Hi. Have fun. i love you. Dad says hi. Hurry home so we can go to myrtle beach and hershey park!!!

    Looking forward to the next post. : )
