Friday, July 29, 2011

Farms, Cows and Goats – Oh My!

I didn’t get a chance to mention what we did yesterday at work because I spoke mostly of the children.  The entire team, minus Bill and Ryan, went to the cow/goat farm.  We completed another round of eye ministry, as well as starting to build a platform for the goats to sleep on (so they don’t have to sleep in the manure…to put it nicely).

We also inoculated all of the goats and cows with a de-worming and parasite removal medication.  It was fun and the guys enjoyed handling the cows to do this. Obi, the manager of the farm, uses a lasso to catch the cows foot.  Then it takes anywhere from 2 to 4 people, depending on the size, to bring the cow down.  It was a hoot watching the team coral the animals!  They did an amazing job!

A_Obi roping the cattleObi’s rope
B_Injecting the cattle
Jako giving injections
Ryan and Bill took the Land Rover with 4 of the children from the orphanage to the Kaluwe clinic.  Three of them were babies, just getting their routine shots.  And Ortevia (the girls with the fever the day after we arrived) returned for a check-up regarding her HIV medication.  She is doing much better and we have enjoyed spending time with her!  
Today, some of the team stayed behind to work at camp.  Steve and Fred built a new antenna so that the missionaries can attempt to get better internet access in the bush (a faster connection) and hook up a router to the computer so they can go wireless.  Alyssa will be moving into her own house within the next few months so it will be nice for her to be able to use her computer through wireless connection nearby.
G_Steve antenna Steve Welding for the Antenna
Others went on sand runs to start collecting more sand for building projects.  The best sand is by the river, so it was quite a hike (an hour ride on the tractor one way) to load up the trailer and return.  They were able to make 2 trips today – bearing the heat of the sun and the bumpy trailer ride!
C_Sand Run Sand Pit
D_Loading Sand
Trailer Full of Sand
Bre and Candi spent the day in the library, cataloging the books and workbooks from the donations brought over by the team.  They spent many hours sorting them into categories and labeling them.  The missionaries put all of their materials for the preschool, orphans and the community in this library, so we were glad to help sort our many items that we brought with us!
E_Sorting donationsCandi and Bre Sorting and Labeling
I also wanted to show each of you that we were able to purchase the bikes for the orphans!  They need some work straightening handle bars, putting on chains and cleaning them up (they still have the wrapping on them).  But thanks to the kids at VBS, here are the bikes for the kids at the orphanage to ride to school! 


So, I know you have been patiently waiting to know who killed the goat… so we won’t make you wait any longer!  Drum roll please….. and the answer is: Noah!  He did a great job (did it on the first try!) and we will be feasting on goat tomorrow for our supper! 

Also, to Jill – Noah was wondering if you were able to read the second post we put on the blog?  It was the post that showed Fred preaching in church.  Both Noah and Fred said hello to you in that post on day 2 of being here.  He just wanted to make sure you saw that :)

That’s all for this post!  Talk with you soon!

Zambia Team 2011


  1. So just how big was the critter that got away Kerry? That's what it looks like in the sand pit picture - telling a "fish tale."

    Kerry and Ethan have talked about Obi's amazing skill with the rope - great to see a picture of him in action.

    The bikes are amazing! I know my "frogs" room (2 1/2 to 3 year olds) came in every day of VBS with their pennies and dollars and would be so proud that they helped!

    Ethan, thanks for the iPad - helps me keep up with the team no matter where I am. Noah, just knew it had to be you that killed the goat.

    Hope you appreciate the cool weather - so NOT here - convertible sits dejected in the garage. Will be thinking of all of you while I am at yoga tomorrow. Love, Denise

  2. Way to go Noah!!!! Love keeping up with all you guys and gals are doing. Karen you are doing an awesome job in keeping us informed and great pictures. Prayers always. Dean what are you doing...standing around being Pretty? You know I am only teasing you, You cant help it you are Pretty. This is when I am glad we live 4 hrs apart. LOL I love you son!! God Bless and be with you all..My Sons Mother ♥♥

  3. Tell Fred and Noah that Caleb, Ella, Tessa, and I spent the day at Waterworks cooling off in the 100 heat. It was fun.

    Noah killed it - now he has to eat it. That IS the rule. Glad everyone seems to be feeling better. I know Fred has been looking forward to working in the eye ministry.

    We are getting a little from the Soltsi team, now. Love you all.

  4. Following along with all of you from rural south Georgia. Friends from Folkston of the Wetzels. Continuing to pray for all the opportunities God puts in your paths.

    Fred we've had some much needed now the "fire beast" is hibernating. Guess they could use some rain in Zambia, also.

    God Bless all of you and stay safe and healthy..

    Donna Allen Nance

  5. I will try this again. Thanks to Amy Lay I finally figured this out. Me and teh girls continue to pray for all of your safety and especially your health. May GOD coninue to bless all of your work and teh people you have touched.

    Mommy we love you and miss you. (giving you the sign language sign for love)

    Duane, Olivia, and Jenna
