Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Day at Camp

The first day we were here, we posted pictures from the distribution of clothing and blankets to “double” orphans in the community.  These are orphans without either parent.  Today, we went through the same process with the “single” orphans, which are those with one parent still living.

It is quite a process and took from 9:30 this morning until 4:00 this afternoon to complete.  Candi, Katie and Bre sat with families and translators to get help write out their applications.  Then, if the orphanage committee agreed, they were allowed to come to the house to be given clothing. 

Alyssa and Karen spent the day in the house distributing the clothes.  After calculating this Saturday and last Saturday’s totals, we saw 113 orphans that we were able to give items of clothing to;  from pants and shirts to underwear and shoes.  It was so wonderful to join God in his work here at  Mission of Love, helping the orphans in the community with their basic needs.

Matthew 6:31-33 “So do not worry, saying ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
A_Katie and BreKatie and Bre taking applications

Candi taking applications

C_Kids Waiting 
Orphans from the Community

D_Kids Waiting 
More orphans, God’s precious children!

E_Receiving Clothes
Orphans Receiving Clothing

Zambia Blog 006
Rose Mary, one of the interpreters, and a member of the orphanage committee

The guys did work around the camp again today, still making a tower for the antenna and tuning up the vehicles.  It was a long day and we are going to have a wonderful time enjoying our goat for dinner this evening!  Chef Ryan has been working hard and we are all anxious for a delicious dinner!

We have an update on the eye ministry as well.  Since completing our 4 clinics in the different areas (stated in earlier blogs) we saw 102 patients, gave out 91 pairs of glasses and had 15 decisions for Christ!    We were able to disciple many that stated they were already Christians as well, encouraging them to read their bible, attend church and local bible studies.  Praise God!  He does wonderful things!

Bre wanted to thank Ms. Joyce through the blog as well.  She made several skirts for the ladies here in the village, including Amber and Alyssa!  Thanks for all your hard work!

Thanks again for everyone’s comments!  Please continue to keep in touch with us!  It is wonderful encouragement and we look forward to it every evening around the campfire. (Thanks Amy for showing my husband how to do it :)

Updates from church tomorrow!  Until then…

Zambia Team 2011   


  1. Hi Mom. Its me Olivia. Have fun. You are always in my prayers. Please help the people in the village. Love you and miss you.

    Hi mommy its Jenna. Love you.

    Hello all. I pray that the sickness in camp is gone and you are all able to continue to do GOD'S work. As you finish up your journey I pray you find peace and joy in the work you have done. I look foward to seeing all of you soon. Love you Karen and see you in a week.

  2. Please tell Bre that she is wonderful and loved very much by me. :) ~ Clayton

    I love hearing and seeing the work of God's heart being revealed to those sons and daughters that he calls his favorite ones through yaws team!!! Continue reflecting his amazing love, I am praying for you muchhh!

  3. karen!! i miss you lady!!!i it just doesn't seem right not being able to call and/or text you whenever i feel like it. next year, you need to get international texting!! ; ) at least i was blessed by being able to hang out with your wonderful family this afternoon/evening. : ) take care of yourself and enjoy the rest of your time in africa. <3

    wow - 15 more decisions!! praise the Lord. i just love that we are able to share in the excitement of God's work being done through you all. the pictures and updates have been wonderful. thank you so much for taking the time to post them.

    i hope everyone is feeling better today. we're praying for each one of you. <3 hope you enjoyed your dinner. what exactly does goat taste like anyway???? : )

  4. Hey Ben! We know you're having the time of your life...and doing a wonderful think for the people of Zambia. I'm glad I don't have to worry about "iron gut" Ben getting sick! Looking forward to seeing you soon but hoping you're having a good time there. Only two weeks at home and then we ship you off again to school (BTW the computer has been ordered).
    Love you...Dad

  5. It is wonderful to hear about the decisions made and to see the work you all are doing in God's name! We continue to pray for protection and success during your trip. Dean- Austin says I love you Dad. Karen- Austin says I hope Ms. Karen comes back soon! I love you very much Dean and can't wait to see you on Saturday! Love, Amy

  6. 91 pairs of glasses and 15 decisions mean that you are all helping to open peoples' eyes, both literally and figuratively. I look forward to the update from church, there. I've read all the stories, and have no excuse for not commenting earlier. We'll keep praying for you, as you keep doing the work of making disciples of all nations, and also keep praying that FBCW will have many more opportunities to go throughout the world to spread the good news.

    To Karen, we actually saw Duane and your daughters yesterday. Dana was figuring, by now, the girls would be wearing Halloween costumes, and Duane would be wearing the tuxedo he was married in. But I knew he'd have everything under control. He looked calm, cool, and relaxed, so you don't need to worry.

  7. What a great testimony to our Father in heaven - 15 decisions for Christ! God is so amazing that He let you guys be a part of that! WOW! I won't see you when you come in but I won't be gone long and can't wait to hear about everything - maybe you guys will just have to come over (no working this time) Miss you all! Praying safe travels for your trip home...Love, Stef Kurtz
