Friday, March 20, 2015

The steel man is here, the steel man is here!

Had another terrific day in the bush.  Weather was warm and mostly comfortable.  Kerry’s stomach was giving him issues, but he’s starting to feel better.

The water tower has been completely welded, and Bobby and Bill will be painting it in the AM and probably putting it up Monday morning. Please pray for that, it's very heavy and awkward, and it's being mounted on top of an old termite mound by the orphanage.  We'll show you pictures when we get home.

The Lord blessed us with a morning delivery of lots of steel to construct the roof trusses for the school building, so tomorrow morning we’ll begin the very major task of cutting, welding, and piecing together the trusses. 

It’s been great reading your responses to the blog, please keep them coming!

Message from Bobby:  Hello Mom and Dad, Laura, Naomia, Seekers class, CBTP, CR crew and sorry that I forgot you guys last blog but Hello Hannah class also.  I am really having an amazing experience here in Zambia. We have not started on the roof yet because of the fuel shortage but we did get the metal delivered today, Praise God. As soon as we finish painting the new larger water tower for the orphanage and installing it, I’m sure we will be getting started on the roof project. Hopefully we will have enough time to finish, or at least get the trusses up. I have been busy with plenty of other projects at the orphanage including fixing some of the toilets, getting some doors working again, installing all new lighting and sanding, painting the frame for the solar panels and installing the panels as well. Just need to do all the wiring and hook it all up. I also have been fixing some of the equipment in the playground at the orphanage. Well that’s all for now, see you all real soon.


  1. Wow, have you guys been busy!! So thankful that you all are such a big help to Amber & Jako! Hope Kerry is feeling better soon and that it was just a 1 day thing. Tell the team that we are praying for you all daily! I know that the WMU women and the FBCW Prayer Group prayed for you all this week as well. Keep up the awesome work! To Bill - Love you and miss you! Sleep well. Love and Blessings to all - Margaret, Ashley, & Josh (from Bridgewater of course)

  2. Glad you all are nose to the grindstone so to speak,
    Candi broke the M/C out the ride was nice but will be nicer when you are on with me.

    Love to the Team and Jako and Amber and the Boys!


  3. I'm not sure if this will get to you guys or not (I'm so computer illiterate). If it does, we just want to let you know we are praying every day for you guys! Mean boy Bobby - Renesmee says you can stay over there if you want to, but your father and I don't agree!! Hope all is going well and you get the roofing stuff today. - Email from Ellen Schoenemann

  4. Hey there this is Heather Kohnen (Samara Kohnen's mamma).

    I have been getting your blogs thru my email ever since Samara went over there with you all, and they are heart warming and encouraging! They also always bring back the feelings and concerns I had when Samara was there... It was her first time out of the country...(I'm a mother you know)! :) So they give me a good motivation to pray for you all!

    When Samara was there Steve took such good care of her, that we could relax a bit. :) Thanks Steve!!! I think often of how you watched over our little girl in a foreign country, and I thank God for you! You were a guardian angel for her! :)

    You all will be in my prayers and I dearly enjoy seeing your progress and service to God over there. Your care and efforts to ease the burdens there, and love on the people, is extremely uplifting and encouraging!!! Enjoy and stay safe, by God's grace! Thank you all for your love and generosity!

    In Christ, Heather Kohnen

  5. Hey guys--It's great hearing from you. In my bible class they were asking if anyone knew how to get onto your blog site and I said I did, so I'm sending these to the "Seekers class." Bobby is one"ours" and we are so proud of him.

    Question: I know Karen isn't with you so why is she sending the info?

    Oh, you like responses, do you? When you mentioned trying to tilt the solar thingy, reminded me of a joke I heard. Old George was sightseeing in a park that had huge humongous trees. He saw a man who was all sweaty and exhausted looking on one side of the tree pushing against it with all his might. When asked what he was doing he simply said "I'm pushing this tree over."

    Well, old George thought, to each his own, and kept walking. Then he saw a man who was all sweaty and exhausted looking on the other side of the tree pushing against it with all his might. When asked what he was doing he simply said "That man said he was going to push this tree over...and I'm stopping him!"

    Anyway, just a little humor...VERY LITTLE!

    Keep up the good work guys. You are awesome!!!!

