Friday, June 17, 2011

Packing is Completed!

The Zambia Team would like to say **Thank You** to everyone who donated items for this year's mission.  We had many people contribute to the needs requested and we received a little of everything that we asked for.  We have packed our supply bags and we are ready to take a variety of items, from pack n' plays, swings and baby seats to jump ropes, games, books, clothes and more this coming July. 

I would also like to thank the various Sunday school and bible study groups that donated money and gift cards for us to purchase additional supplies.

I am sure the entire team is very thankful to all who gave monetary donations for our trip as well.  Because of your support, we have purchased our plane tickets (the most expensive part of the trip) and we are booked and ready to travel! 

I also want to thank MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) for allowing me to come raid their yard sale!  I was able to get many of the items needed for the orphans.  Below is a picture of me clearing a rack of boys clothes in the sizes the missionaries had asked for - and when I say clearing - I took them all!

Our eye glass packing day was a success!  We were able to sort and pack all the eye glasses that we are taking (to replenish the ones we gave away last year) in only 3 hours!  Thank you to the team members that were able to come and help!

Sorting Glasses

Vacuum Sealing the Glasses for Travel

Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of the actual packing session at church.  I was so busy helping, I forgot to take my camera out and snap some shots of how Ryan and Bill were able to miraculously fit everything that was donated into 12 suitcases/duffel bags, while the rest of the team members sorted, bagged and organized different items to help them accomplish the task!  Thank you God!  As always, you are absolutely amazing!

One more wonderful announcement that I have is another grateful thanks to those who agreed to help us within vacation bible school this year.  The missionaries wrote me earlier this year with a request for help purchasing bicycles for the children in the orphanage that have to walk to elementary/middle school everyday.  For us, walking to school is only so far... for them, it is 2 1/2 - 3 hours one way!  And there are no paved roads in the bush of Africa.  Just sandy paths that can in some parts be compared to a walk on the beach.  But not the nice compacted sand near the water!  More like the deep, dry sand that is farthest from the water.  It can be quite a hike!

During VBS, the children give an offering during the week.  It is really exciting how they do it, a whole "boys vs. girls" program to inspire the kids, but also teach them that their money if a gift from God that we need to return to Him to help the church, ministries - you name it!  So the offering this year, again thank you the VBS crew for helping, will be going to Zambia to purchase bicycles for the orphans to help reduce their time to get to and from school!  So thank you very much VBS for your support of our mission!  The orphans are going to be very excited to receive their bikes because of the children's efforts to raise money for them!

Within the missions portion of VBS (separate from the bike offering) the children will also be making gift bags with socks and underwear for the children at the Mission of Love Orphanage, as well as making more blankets for orphans that are being taking care of within the community by other families.  Thank to the kids for all of your hard work and help!   

To complete this update on everything God has given us for this mission, let us thank Him and pray that all of these items travel safely to Zambia, so that the orphanage and others in the community will benefit from what has been given.  Atukombe (let us pray):

Father, thank you so much for giving all that you have given to the Zambia team, whether purchased or by donation.  You have worked in the hearts of so many during this process and we are in awe of everything you have accomplished here in the United States.  We cannot wait to see what you have in store for us while in Zambia!  We ask that the team and the luggage we are taking with us will all make it safely to Livingstone, as well as the 4 hour drive into the bush.  We know that you intended for these items to be given to us for this mission, so in turn we come to you and pray that each piece makes it through the extensive trip abroad.  Thank you Father, for everything that you are doing through us and through those whom will impact us on our trip this year.  In Jesus Name, Amen.  

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