Monday, June 6, 2011

Zambia Team Devotional #14: Scripture

2 Timothy 3:16: ”All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,”

As the Zambia mission continues to grow, we see the progression from not only building and work projects, but also to continued growth in discipling and fellowship with the Zambia people. I am excited this year to meet with them, hear about their lives and talk with them about our Lord and Savior. Some will know much, others will know little. But as I enter into this venture, I have asked God to prepare me.

We have to prepare ourselves not only physically, but spiritually for this mission. Each devotional that has been sent prior to this talks of different circumstances and events that we have continually prayed for in preparation for our mission. And the reason for these devotionals isn’t merely to read over them and repeat the prayer to yourself in the end. It is an opportunity to spend time with God.

Yes, each devotion lists a scripture and there is always a nice little prayer at the end regarding what was discussed in the devotion. But what have you done since then? Have you taken it a step farther? Are you preparing yourself spiritually for this trip? Have you spent time alone with Him? Have you asked Him to reveal how He is going to help calm your apprehensions and fears? What else is on your mind? He already knows… have you talked to Him about it?

When we know that we are going to be talking to people about Christ, it is an excellent opportunity to delve into God’s Word. As I said earlier, when the mission began back in January I asked God to prepare me. Since then, He has brought me scripture after scripture. And then! He gives me situations and circumstances to help me utilize that scripture He has made foreknown. But more importantly, I have to be willing to do the “work” to receive the scripture. This means picking up your bible and actually reading it!

Ok, time to be honest. How many of us have come home from church on Sunday, a week goes by and when you leave for church the next Sunday – there is your bible in the exact same spot you left it when you came home last Sunday! I will admit, this has happened to me. But as I grow closer to God by not letting it collect dust on a shelf, I find it hard to resist not picking it up!

2 Timothy 3:16 is an incredible scripture that tells us why it is so important for us to use this Tool every day. ”All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,” If you read that really quickly… go back and read it again...slowly.

God’s Word is such an incredible gift that He has given to each of us. To have something tangible in our hand that is our guidebook to life! When we are in trouble, it has solutions. When we have questions, it has answers. When you read the stories, you can become involved in the people’s lives because there is something they went through that you are going through as well! The bible is a page-turner! Once you pick it up, it is hard to put down!

So I encourage each of you to ask God to prepare you. It is not too late. There is still time! And when He gives you the opportunity - because He will - seize it! Don’t ignore it. You have followed the calling you received to go to Africa, now it is time to follow the instructions He will give you to prepare yourself for the trip. Spend the next several weeks in His Word, so He can reveal to you what He wants you to know for this mission.

Today’s prayer is on your own. You know what you need to ask for personally. Until next time…

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