Friday, June 24, 2011

Zambia Team Devotional #15: Teamwork

What is the definition of team work? Thanks to, we find that it is a “cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause.” A cooperative effort. People willingly and agreeably working together. It is important to keep this in mind when we are completing our projects in Zambia. Whether we are chopping down trees or cooking dinner, cooperation and team work is key.

But what happens when we aren’t cooperating? We know that the definition above is good in theory. But when you are in the bush and you are hungry, dirty and tired after a long days work – sometimes the words willing and agreeable seem to get lost in translation. Bodies ache. Allergies persist. Sleep is not the same, being on a cot in a tent, rather than the comforts of home. “Stuff” just happens…

So, what does the bible say about teamwork? Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 gives us a wonderful definition for teamwork.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up…”

Let’s keep in mind that like our normal lives, some events or circumstances on this mission are bound to have trouble. Whether a test from God or a direct attack from the Enemy, we need to keep this scripture close at hand. Two are better than one. With two or more, we will be able to accomplish so many tasks God has for us on this mission. Our ideas and contributions as individuals can bring great results for any project performed by the team! And because there are more than one, when we or our teammates start to struggle, we are able to depend on each other to help.

God originated and formed this team long before we ever had our first training session. And the gifts of each person is imperative for its function. This Saturday, the Zambia team will be completing a construction project at a home in Woodbridge. We want to give a special thank you to Stan and Stephanie Kurtz, for giving us the opportunity to come to their house to work on this project! It will give us a dry run, to work together and focus on this aspect of team work while here in the states before we travel to the bush of Africa. Let’s pray for this project and for the efforts of the team. Atukombe.

Father, thank you for the Zambia team. We know that you have given each one of us special gifts that we will utilize while on our mission in Africa. We pray that our team will work efficiently, cooperatively, willingly and agreeably during our project this Saturday, as well as during the mission from departure to completion. If we stumble and fall, please help us to remember that our team mates are there to pick us up and help us move forward. If disagreements arise we will refer to your instructions according to Matthew 18 to resolve them so that we may return quickly to the collaborative team that You desire. Thank you for your Word. Your generous guidebook for life. We are grateful that You give us scripture, so that we may utilize it as a roadmap for our journey. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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