Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Comments VERY welcome

Please feel free to comment on the posts.  They will be read to the team around the campfire.


  1. Howdy Everyone! I am enjoying hearing about your adventures, especially digging all those holes! Speaking from experience, there are few tasks that are more difficult.

    Praying for you all. Proud of you all as well. Stand strong in God's Word and the Holy Spirit's power. Never forget you are serving The Risen Savior!

    Erik Wilkins

  2. You are all in my thoughts and prayers as you do God's work. I pray for cool shade and a soft breeze, strong arms and backs, loving hugs and smiling faces, tasty meals and joyful voices around a campfire. May your efforts show God's love and mercy for all whose lives you touch - and may you recieve a stronger faith. Carolyn Richar

  3. I have been at kids camp all week and haven't had a chance to comment :( But I have been following along! Sounds like you guys have had a very productive trip so far! Please tell my dad I love him and I look forward to hearing his stories when he returns. Love to you all!! Karen

  4. Hello Team Z,

    I am enjoying the updates and really think the post holes could be a touch more round, just saying.

    Glad to see Erika skinning the goat, she help on the deer so why not, very proud Dad moment.
    Keep up the great work and to Candi a BIG I LOVE YOU! Nsando

  5. I have been reading the updates and it sounds like you have been very productive. It is hard to believe that you are pouring footings for a primary school. It seems like yesterday that it was just a plan. God has accomplished much in Mukumba. You are in our thoughts and prayers as we leave for a little R&R here. Everyone stay safe - we will see you next week! By the way - how are Amber and Jeremiah doing? Hope they are doing much better. Hugs, Montine

  6. Thank you so much for letting us share in your adventure via these posts! It is great to be able to feel a little more connected to what you all are doing there. My family is praying for the team every day and for those who live there as well.

    I think it is awesome to see how the Lord is working through the good days and the hard times equally! What an opportunity to witness about your trust and Jesus' faithfulness, by praising God when your plans fail and things are hard........the same as when all is well!

    1 Cor. 12:9,10 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, THEN I AM STRONG!

    Africa does not seem so far away when we know the same Father is with us both Samara! Big Hugs to you. We miss you and talk to God about you a lot!! :)

    Heartfelt blessings to all of you there!
    Samara's Aunt Holly
