Sunday, July 22, 2012

Restful Sunday

Happy Birthday Sean Turner from the Zambia Team! 
Yesterday, with God’s provision we completed our primary tasks here at Mission of Love. We mixed and poured concrete to complete the snack shade at the preschool as well as secure the post for the swing set. Richard drew a plan of the preschool and orphanage: measuring the fence line and buildings and Chris took pictures for the plan while Deb made the dry mix for the concrete. Deb and Barb did a Bible Study for the house mothers on the story of Ruth – the house mother’s chose this book.  Chris, Denise, Amber, Rosemary and Maggie did 2 hut to hut visits.  The first was to a widow named Modesta, she has been without her husband since 2005; she has her daughters, and their children living with her as well as her remaining children – a total of ten.  Modesta and her last child are both “positive.”  Modesta may have been missing many physical needs but her spiritual strength was evident – her focus was on providing care for her family. Amber was able to identify ways that assistance could be provided. But please pray for Modesta and her family – they are just surviving.  We prayed for God’s presence and strength that she would know she was a beloved child and that He has a plan for her and her family.  The second visit was to a neighbor of Rosemary’s – Daniel.  He too is “positive” as well as his 3 wives. But Daniel’s circumstances were so different from Modesta’s.  His family’s living circumstances were comfortable by comparison – there was evidence of plenty there. However, he was spiritually poor – afraid of death, and his prayer request was for more.  The approach in speaking and praying for him was different from Modesta.  We returned to an incredible spaghetti dinner cooked over the fire by Alyssa.  After dinner as we sat around the campfire and admired God’s creation in the sky, Jako shared his testimony with us.  It was a moving day for many of us.
Today, we worshipped at Mukumba church, Richard spoke and shared his experiences in Indonesia and Russia.  Then Jim and Ennis and Pillow Head shared two songs with us followed by Deb, Barb and 3 of the women from the church – we hopefully have video of all of this.  The men prayed for Francis, one of the local men with and infection – he stopped by in the afternoon for medication but needs our continued prayers for healing. Then the church invited us to share our experiences with them – that was a blessing.  We got home again to a delightful lunch of tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato and cucumber salad. Barbara, Deb went up to see the preschool with Alyssa after lunch.  We are all having a restful afternoon enjoying the warmest day yet.  Tonight we will have dinner with the orphanage children one more time.  Then Monday, we journey to the clinic for the eye glass ministry. Please pray for this event, the area we are going is full of dark spirits and witch doctors.  I will try to update the events tomorrow evening. Then Tuesday we break camp to begin the journey home – that will be a bittersweet day for all of us!
Have a wonderful, blessed Sunday!
With Love, the Zambia Team


  1. We are praying for you all as journey into the area for the eye glass ministry. I have to say I am looking forward to Friday am. Please know we love you Jim, and are so proud of you.

  2. Praying the eye glass ministry goes well tomorrow! Exciting to see all the hut to hut ministry going on, as well as the bible studies! Can't wait to hear all the stories when you return!

    Ecuador team just got back. They had over 500 professions of faith and helped to start over 60 churches! The group they went with was very large, hence the large numbers, but very exciting to hear!

    And of course, Russia and the DR trip take off this week as well, followed by Haiti soon after. Lots of exciting things going on in global missions at FBCW right now!

    Praying for you guys! Hope that you have a relaxing time in Livingtone during your R&R. You deserve it! Keep up the good works!!

    Dad, the business is still standing :) See you when you return on Friday! Call me and we can do breakfast!! :)
