Monday, July 23, 2012

Eye glass clinic

Thanks to God’s intervention and your prayers regarding the eye glass clinic we had a successful morning! We were up early and at the clinic by 8:30 to 9:00. We did 64 vision examinations today and also introduced people to Christ. We were able to help most of the patients with glasses, several more with instructions on making “tears”. Women here spend many hours of the day cooking over fire and by evening when they go inside to knit, crochet or sew their eyes are burning, making dry eyes a common complaint.  A few patients we referred to the eye clinic in Zimba when the doctors are back in September. Others we were able to reassure that their vision tested “normal.”  We had 7 local men who worked diligently as translators through out the clinic from obtaining demographic information, translating the vision tests, working with the “opticians” and finally working with the counselors to introduce the people to Christ.  We saw people of all ages from the elderly to young children.  It was a heart warming experience to see people be able to read text or to see items at a distance – their smiles were truly a delight.  We had served all the people who desired a vision test by 12:30. Thank you for your prayers – they made all the difference.
Tomorrow we will break camp early for Livingstone and begin some R & R with a hot shower – for most of us our first since we arrived; then we will have a sunset cruise.  Wednesday we will do a day trip to Botswana and Chobe National Park.  Then we will begin the flight home to all of our family! We can’t wait to see you all again; share greetings from friends here and tell you of our adventures. 
With Love from Zambia,
Barbara, Chris, Deb, Denise, Jim, Richard, Steve, Alyssa, Rachel, Amber, Jako, Jakob, Jeremiah

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