Friday, March 25, 2011

Zambia Team Devotional #5: Giants

For this week, let’s review our last training session while it is fresh on our mind. As we discussed, Joshua and Caleb were the only 2 spies that Moses sent into the Promise Land that, upon their return, trusted the LORD. And for those that did not, they began to doubt, worry, create gossip among the Israelites and inevitably cause the entire nation to turn against the LORD and wander the desert for 40 years because of their disobedience. They played mercy to the great Nephilim in their Promise Land. A simple twist of the arm and they gave in.

Do you know what the word Nephilim means? The word "Nephilim" comes from a Hebrew word which "signifies to fall; and these might be so called, either because they made their fear to fall upon men, or men, through fear, to fall before them, because of their height and strength; or rather because they fell and rushed on men with great violence, and oppressed them in a cruel and tyrannical manner." The New King James version translates this word into our English version as: Giant.

Instead of fearing the Lord, they feared their giants! Let’s not fall before our giants like the Israelites did so many years ago. This is what I love about the bible – great lessons from the past helping us to reach a brighter future! I often imagine what it was like in times when they did not have this wonderful Tool to live by. We are so blessed to be a generation that has the Word of the LORD at our fingertips. Thank you God.

So what giants face the Zambia mission team? From our lesson, I have listed what our team came up with in our last training session. Please pray over each of these giants, that God will deliver us from anything that might hinder us, causing us to turn our direction away from the LORD.

-Talking with the Tongans about our God, the One True God
-Overcoming Animism, Ancestral veneration, Spiritual warfare, The Enemy Himself
-Anything that might prohibit those discipling in the eye ministry and hut-to-hut
-Helping the Tonga people to overcome superstitions that might hinder their growth in the LORD

-Customs during travel (no hiccups)
-Obtaining our Visas for those who do not have them yet

-Observing their customs and traditions; not disrespecting the Tonga people
-The language barrier; the translation will convert properly

-Dust and allergies
-Sickness from food (significant to their geographical location that might not settle well)
-Camp life, no showers, latrines, cooking over fires, etc.
-Travel into the bush

-Fuel (cost and quantity)
-Wanting to give handouts, but knowing that ultimately that can hurt more than help
-Eating all the food given to us

God we pray over each of these items specifically, that if any should arise as a problem for us during our mission, we know that we should have complete and utter trust in You, precious heavenly Father. Please remind us of this during these times of need. We want to do Your will and Your will only, defeating the giants that stand in our way. And through You, we know this is possible. “For nothing is impossible with God.”Luke 1:37 Amen.

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