Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lesson 1: How To Remove a Tree Stump Without a Bulldozer

Thank you so much everyone for commenting on the blog!!  We love to receive them!!  At our evening debrief around the camp fire I read them to the team and they love to hear from everyone back home.  Friends, family and previous team members - thank you so much for the encouragement and prayers!

Today did not go as originally planned.  We hoped to receive more people at the eye clinic, but we received less.  About half of what we had yesterday showed - but we are excited to report 2 more decisions for Christ!  We were in a very remote place for the last 2 days.  Tomorrow we will be by Pastor's house so we expect more to show.

With the eye clinic so slow, most of us continued to help in the field removing trees and stumps.  Others played with the local children.  It was a blessed day.  And I have to tell you, for those who have never been to a place such as Zambia, removing a tree without the use of one power tool or machine is a rather interesting and long process.  So I thought I would share it with you!

Also, I know some people have not been pictured yet - the pictures I am using happened to be taken at the time these people were working.  I promise you, everyone helps with the projects in some way.  It took over 3 hours to pull this last tree down and most of the team members and locals chipped in!  We were so excited when it came down, we took a picture with it!  You will see it at the end of the post. 

Step 1 - Clear Out Around The Stump

Jeremy, Melanie, Ben and Obi starting to cut through the roots

Step 2 - Pull The Tree Down With The Truck

Ben climbing the tree to attach the rope

Pulling the tree down with the truck

Step 3 - Remove Tree and Burn The Trunk

Burning the Trunks

Team Zambia 2010 on "THE TREE"

I will try and get a picture of Amber, Jako and Jakob on the next post!  If we don't post tomorrow, it is not because we don't want to.  It is only because our schedule changes a little and there might not be time.  But we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Also, the question was asked about the weather here.  The day time has been in the mid 70s and the evenings are in the 50s.  It has been absolutely perfect!  Weird thing to report, for previous team members, it has been overcast the entire time and actually started to sprinkle rain today!  We were all just in amazement.  We have yet to see a sunrise or sunset because of the clouds!

Zambia Team 2010


  1. All our prayers go to the Zambia Team. We know that you truly are doing GOD's work. Ben, enjoy your adventure of a lifetime. You are certainly in our prayers and thoughts. We loved your smiles in these photos.

  2. Clearing the land is quite a challenge without all of the power equipment we have at our disposal. It helps us appreciate all that we have to make things go more quickly. You all did a fantastic job of some very hard labor. I think I like the part of playing with the children best of all. I believe we could even do that! We continue to pray for your mission and your safety as well as all the families back home that are having to do without each of you. God bless you all! Janet and Jim Frazier

  3. My husband and I were eating at Fisherman's Inn last night and wondered what Goat tastes like... smile! We are so amazed at the work you are doing and the lives you are changing - all to the Glory of God! Hallelueh! You all are so brave to be stepping out in your faith - and so far from the comforts of home! We are praying for your continued strength and the success of your mission... with love, Donna & Darrin
    PS. Miss you Cherrie!

  4. Hi Guys. Looking good. That sucks about the eye clinic today. Hopefully tomorrow will work a lot better and bring more people. We would love to see more pics of the kids. Oh, and you need to update us on the taste of the goat. What did you all think? Also can you pass along a message to jeremy to give us a call. I have some issues with a job to discuss because I am clueless. Thanks for the updates, the kids are enjoying it. Were praying. Keep safe. Love to you all. Becky

  5. Glad weather is great for you all. Hope you get to see some beautiful sunrises & sunsets there.May God Bless You All.

  6. So cool guys! Your work is really inspiring us here to give it all we have in our daily activities. We are so ready to go back, God willing. Absorb every minute ya'll! Please say hello to Pastor Petrus and Rasta, Obi, Loy and everyone. Missing Zambia!!!- jim and liz faison

  7. We are loving the pictures and all the updates! It's great to see you smiling. We are praying for you and look forward to another post. Barby Kronlein

  8. It is such great fun to see my friends serving God in Zambia! I always though that you were special to God and me, but your service proves that you are willing to go where He will send you. May God multiply all that you do to His glory. See you soon, Doris Gage

  9. You are bringing back some great barash memories! So glad to hear things have been going well! Wish I was there! Give the kids a loud "super!" with thumbs up! Sing lots of praises cuz praises are the voice of faith! Wait? I think I can hear you around the campfire! Keep it up!!! Amy Tromba (serving Him in Florida)

  10. Could you tell Breanne that "Clayton loves her"? You guys are doing amazing work for the Kingdom. I continue to pray for all of you! :)

  11. Hey my guys! Leaving tomorrow morning for Anchorage, AK - retreating to cooler weather. Richard, they did such a nice job on that tree; if you want next year's team to have some practice before hand we have one here you can practice on. :)

    Praying for you and loving all the pictures!

