Thursday, July 29, 2010

Just a Few Updates!

We haven't done much more than what we have told you so far, so we don't have much to post.  Everyday we send one team to the eye clinic and another team to the field to remove trees.  We just wanted to give you a few updates and some prayer requests.

Yesterday the eye team was busy at Pastor Petros' house.  The patients came in sporadically, so in between exams we asked Pastor and Roster (his wife) what we could do to help around the house.  They took us to a huge pile of sunflower heads and showed us how to remove the seeds.  It is simply beating the flower head with a stick and the seeds that matured will fall out!

We were able to accomplish a lot for them and the team that returns today will do the same in their free time.  When they are finished, Pastor will take them to Kalomo and have them pressed to make sunflower seed oil.  Roster used it to make some delicious sweet potatoes and tomatoes for lunch.  Please continue to pray that God will send us the people that he wants to receive the gift of sight and that our eye teams work together well in accomplishing the task.  The glasses are a wonderful tool to use to plant seeds for Christ!

So far, both teams combine have seen 83 people.  We have distributed 53 pairs of glasses, many Visine eye drops and several antibiotic eye drops for pink eye.  We also learned how to make a salt/water solution so the people have something to use to help make their eyes feel better - due to the dusty roads and smoke from their fires.  We have also given out 26 pairs of sunglasses for those that have a sensitivity to bright sun.  And now ...drum roll please... 23 people have made decisions for Christ and several others have made re-dedications!  PRAISE GOD!  Please pray for our counselors on our eye teams - that the Holy Spirit may speak through them to give them the words they need to witness to these people.   

The other team spent all day trying to remove another tree and they were unsuccessful in getting it pulled down.  The team that goes out today will attempt to finish.  Please pray that the teams will be able to successfully remove the trees with ease, they have become quite a struggle.

Last - in the comments you asked for a picture of Amber, Jako and Jakob! 

To close up today, please pray for team unity.  The Enemy is working hard to cause frustration among us, but he will not succeed!  "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."  1 John 4:4  Please send this out to your prayer warriors!

Zambia Team 2010


  1. I am really missing Zambia now having seen all of the beautiful pictures you have posted. I am praying for you all that you will be successful in your tasks and that much work will get done. Please tell Amber and Jako, I miss them and hug baby Jakob for me.

    Mandie Johnson (Team 2009)

  2. We are on our knees for you Team Zambia 2010. Press through, and rebuke anything that does not honor Christ. We are praying for team unity, and pray your complete focus is on Christ. You will be leaving before you know it so soak in all that God is doing through you, and hold onto why you are there: To spread the Gospel , and to let Christ shine through you. God has chosen you specifically. The enemy is a liar, and know God is smiling because of your service to the people of Zambia. In your wildest dreams did you think you would be in the African bush serving the Lord? WOW!! Keep the sheer awesomeness of that in your heart at all tmes! We are so excited for what He is doing through each one of you! We love you, and ROCK ZAMBIA FOR JESUS!! -liz and jim faison

    P.S. Where's Steve?? :)

  3. Was delighted to read your post this morning. Every word that you send is such a joy to read. Praise God for 23 souls, wow! That is wonderful! And for the glasses and eye care, wow to that also. We will pray for unity for the team. Just remember that God is in control, so be submissive to Him! Amber is as beautiful as always and what a delight to see her precious Jakob and her dear husband. Please give them a hug for us. We will continue to pray for the team as this time goes by so quickly. God bless and watch over all of you. Jim and Janet Frazier

  4. I wish I could have gone on this trip--can't you just see me trying to pull out a tree stump on my walker? NOT!! But I could have beat those sunflowers to death! Richard, those gold glasses you had on earlier were quite "fetching." Will Montine let you keep them? Ha! Amber and Jaku and the baby look wonderful. Ask Amber if she ever got the shadowbox I made her for the baby? Linda Paules

  5. Continuing to pray for you all! When the enemy keeps attacking that means you're doing GREAT work for God. :) Nikki Bolton

  6. Thanks for updates & pictures.I pray that everyone each of you meet will see the love of Christ shine through you. Keeping you all in my prayers. May God Bless You All.

  7. praying for harmony and for a focus on Christ first and then for each team member to allow His love to reach out to others through their words and actions.

  8. Hi Guys, I hope things are better tomorrow. that is really cool about the sunflowers. I didn't realize that you bang them out. I envisioned picking them out one by one! LOL. Sunflower seed oil is great and very healthy too. That stinks about the trees, maybe next year we can smuggle over a chain saw! Jakob is so cute. They look very happy. And please post some more pics. It's so nice to see what you all are doing there. I will be praying for you guys and also that the word will spread and send some more people to the eye clinic. Have you all seen a sunrise or sunset yet?
    Jeremy - the kids said to make sure I tell you they love you, and miss you. Lil Jeremy has been counting the days till you all return.
    Steve - your presence has been missed at church. The kids were confused last sunday. They wanted me to also pass along a hello.

    Jeremy we all love you. Oh, and many people want to know the name of the beautiful little girl that Jeremy was loving on. I think Karen had said she was around 2.
    Becky Frazier

  9. You all are so awsome. I continue to pray for your work there. It is so humbling to see all that you have accomplished and the lives that you have touched. You are HIS feet, HIS Hands, you are also our hands and feet in GOD's Great Commission. I appreciate all that you are doing and pray for your success and safety. A special hello to Katie from SWORD. We love you -Linda Morris

  10. You are doing an amazing job! Praying for all of you. Hannah and I are enjoying following the blog. Hannah was amazed how big Jakob is! Just wanted to let you know I am safely in Alaska - finally. My trip complications and struggles will have hopefully removed any for your trip home! Love you, Denise
