Sunday, July 26, 2009

What a great weekend.


We started a bit late today as we were up until 1:30 in the morning. Amber prepared a tasty breakfast and off to work we went. Even though we took it a bit easy today, we got a lot done. Did some work around the team showers and potties today, installed temporary doors and built a "grey water" containment system (for the showers) for watering the orchard. Did some water pump maintenance, got the camp kitchen running and straight, watered the orchard, built benches around the campfire area, and several other small jobs. After dinner we adjourned to the campfire and practiced our songs we'd be singing at church the next day.


We all got up this morning and had oats with apples and then headed off to church. What a blessing to worship with these amazing people. Jako led us in Bible study, we all sang and praised God for a while, then Richard preached about the parable of planting in different soils (very applicable here literally too). Today is God's day, so we're taking it a little light. As I sit here typing I can hear chopping of wood for fire, Ryan and Steve are doing some maintenance on the busted generator, and everyone is busy doing odds and ends. The sights and sounds of camp life are wonderful, this is great bunch of people to be in Africa with.

As promised, here are some pictures:

Amber and Jako enjoyed the baby shower. I think Jako enjoyed it a bit too much.

This is why we're here, what beautiful children.

Ed, Ariel, Ryan, and Mandie led Children's Church this morning. We're not sure who enjoyed themselves more, the children or Ed.

Candi shared her testimony with the church.

Jako and Pastor Petrus led Bible Study.

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