Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another great day

We had another great day in Zambia, very productive. The digging of the footers for Amber and Jako’s new house was finished today, tomorrow the runs to go get sand will start, and the next day concrete will be poured. We’re having a special guest for dinner tonight (a goat, yummy). The bunk beds for the orphanage got started today too, the lumber comes to us pretty rough, so the wood has to be planed, cut, and ripped. Surprisingly, there aren’t many Home Depots around the corner, go figure. Everyone is healthy, energized, and working hard, but it goes without saying that we’re all exhausted at the end of the day.

Enjoy the pictures.

Mandy says “I love and miss my family” and happy anniversary to Mom and Dad.

Planing the wood for the bunk beds

This is the generator Jako modified to work on the tractor

Footers are done

an ants-eye view of the footers

Here's Jako with our dinner guest

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