Sunday, July 28, 2013

What a Blessed Day

Today we got up and put on our Sunday best (well, best for the bush) and walked to church.  There was also a funeral going on in the village so attendance was way down.  We sang, gave testimonies, had a nice Bible study about those silly Israelites messing up with the Moabites right before they’re to enter the promised land, and how God spared Joshua and Celeb because of their faithfulness.
Here is Denise sharing the story of Jonah and the Whale to the congregation.
When we got back into camp we had a yummy sloppy joe lunch and got started working.  Normally we would have taken it much easier today, but since we’ve got so much work ahead of us, we got a jump on things.  Kerry and Richard surveyed and staked out the new foundation for the soon-to-be-built 1st and 2nd grade school for which we’ll be digging and pouring the foundation. Others cleared a field where an additional 800 ft of fence line goes to keep the new milk cows.  Erika was feeling a little under the weather but is on the mend just fine.  Bill was helping Jako fix the tractor’s fuel pump.
Another great day in the bush.
Happy Birthday wishes go out to Josh Turner (Bill’s son), and Kathy Bolles.
Prayer needs: sustained health, Kerry’s arm is aching pretty much, weather is warmer than usual so working mid-day is going to be tough.

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