Wednesday, July 17, 2013

By the grace of God, I think we're ready!

I think we're mostly ready.  All the supply bags are packed, eyeglasses are sorted, medications to take with us are in route, shots have been shot, and our personal bags are filling up.  All we need now is your prayers.

Here are some things you can be praying for:

  • safe travel
  • for our luggage to make it
  • to avoid 95% tariff on all the stuff we're taking there
  • for Amber and Jeremiah's health (asthma issues)
  • our health and safety while in camp
  • our ministry to the locals
  • extra strength and endurance to work hard
  • for us to be a blessing to everyone we meet along the way
We'll do our best to keep this blog updated often while we're gone.  Comments are very welcome (we usually read them around camp each night).


  1. Bill and everone, we'll be praying that you each will have the opportunity to minister to many over there! Be safe.

  2. To all on the team, and our precious Samara... You will all be bathed in prayer, and lifted up to the Father many times each day! Remember that God said, "NO LABOR OF LOVE, IS EVER IN VAIN."
    Thank you all for your hearts to love and serve...In light of eternity!!!
    Much love Heather Kohnen/mom :)

  3. STILL PRAYING constantly for you all! What an encouragement to see you all working so hard building the cow fence, and what a laugh we got from knowing Samara may get to EAT Goat meat...She has milked them MANY times for her aunt. :) What fun to see pictures on your updates and see how God is sustaining you all for the amazing work you are doing there! Keep up the "GOD" work! :) Heather Kohnen
