Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Zambia Team Project 2011

Again, we want to thank Stan and Steph Kurtz for their generosity, opening up their house to us and helping our team complete our group project!  We were able to finish, putting in a long day from 8am to 6pm, which is about the same amount time we will spend on projects daily while we are in Zambia!

Our main project was to build a retaining wall on the front of the house.  All of the team members were unable to work on the wall the entire time, so a few other projects helped us to keep everyone occupied during the day!  So we also spent a lot of time cutting down trees and removing brush as well.

God gave us immaculate weather!  It was overcast so the heat wasn't too incredibly unbearable.  And for the most part, Stan and Steph live in a wooded area so the sun wasn't overbearing either!  The team worked very well together and the day went by with just a few small setbacks, but we were able to pull through!

Thank you God for such wonderful servants and incredible team work this year!  In only 3 short weeks we will depart for Zambia and we are prepared and ready to go!  We know there will be hiccups along the way, but with God as our focus, we will overcome anything that stands in the way!

Cutting up trees for firewood

 Before shot, starting to clear the area for drainage

Digging for drainage

Starting the first corner of the wall

Building the wall

Final touches on the last corner of the wall

The completed wall

Zambia Team 2011
Ethan, Candi, Katie, Kerry, Karen, Bill, Ben, Noah, Fred, Steve
(not pictured - Ryan, Dean and Bre)

 Eating dinner on the completed wall!

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