Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Quick Minute Of Your Time

The Zambia Team would like to wish Breanne's father, Tom Boyle, a happy 52nd birthday today!  And Ed and Breanne would like to give a little shout out to Kirkwood Presbyterian Church!  They miss you all very much! 

Zambia Team 2010


  1. I was reading Amber and Jaku's blog and I read about Jenny moving into the tent--who is Jenny? Is she a housemother or teacher or volunteer? Is she there for a short or long time? Not being nosey, just interested.

    Karen, the inmate with whom I was corresponding has been transferred and I haven't heard from her in several weeks--even the chaplain doesn't have her address. I'm worried.

    Steve, I'll bet your presence at the front door is being missed and I KNOW, for sure, of one person who is missing your hugs!

    You know, if Katie is sitting around and has nothing else to do other than beating up poor defenseless sunflowers, maybe she could do some hair styling for the Zambian ladies--I'm sure they've noticed her beautiful tri-colored tresses. I wonder how that would go over for international relations? Ha! Linda Paules

  2. We are very proud of you Breanne. You and your team are in our prayers. Daniel says "Love ya!" Elaine,Steve and Daniel Awalt

  3. Katie, I am very proud of what you and your team are doing. Love your picture with the lady from the orphanage getting her glasses. Everyone from church asked about you and the team today. Jacqui & Louise send their love. I love you and miss you ( as does Tiggs). All is fine here. See all of you Saturday. Prayers to all. Mom

  4. Hope all is well. Have really been missing the next blog! Glorious day back in Virginia. We got some well needed rain and it really cooled off, at least here in Roanoke. Woke up to the temperature being 64, couldn't believe it, but it felt wonderful. Great worship service at our church today on Paul's advise to the Corinthian people. How important it is to heed God's warnings! We make our life so much more difficult than it needs to be by being disobedient and listening to the "world". Will continue to pray for the team, for safety, for unity, for rest, for joy in all that you do. God protect and watch over all of you. Janet and Jim Frazier
