Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Updates from Zambia

For most, you might follow Amber and Jako's blog in which we are periodically updated with the ongoings of the Mission of Love.  If you haven't been there in a while, I encourage you to go take a look and see what is happening there in the bush of Zambia!

There are many new developments!  They have recently taken in another young lady (age 8) by the name of Otervia, whom both parents passed away from AIDS.  You can learn more about her by visiting the blog and reading their most recent post.

Amber is pregnant again (yay!) and is also recovering from breaking her foot!  I can't imagine being 3 months pregnant, in the bush, with a broken foot... all the while still trying to take care of little Jakob who is only 1 year old and run a household!  Please continue to pray for Amber, her pregnancy and her healing!

You can also read about other teams that are joining in the mission and the progress they are making around the camp site as the welcome Alyssa Bolles to their team.  Alyssa left this past April to join Amber and Jako for 2 years as a school teacher.  She has a blog as well, I encourage you to read along with her also.  Although there are similar posts, it is always nice to see pictures and progress, as well as their personal experiences they often share with us from the bush.  

I would like to ask that each of you pray for Alyssa as well.  She is in South Africa enduring some pain from what they believe might be an injured disc in her back, that is also causing a lot pain in her right leg.  She is trying to do some physical therapy to overcome the injury, hoping that it will heal in time.  They are attempting this before performing any MRI's and other tests, praying it will work without having to engage the next level of "what ifs."  She will be back in camp when the team arrives, but for now please continue to pray for Alyssa and the healing of her back!

Ethan is doing well, I might add.  Alyssa informed me that he has painted one of the inside walls of the new school building with the chalkboard paint that he brought with him.  It will be exciting to see once the team arrives - we were hoping that this would work, instead of having to buy separate hand-held chalk boards for the children, which was much more expensive. 

He mentioned in his last email that it was getting chilly very quickly, dropping down into the 40s at night and not heating up very much during the day, so everyone in camp was coming down with winter colds and sickness.  So let's also continue to pray that everyone gets over those colds quickly! 

**Note to team:  Don't forget to pack extra layers or winter jackets!  Whatever your plan, expect cold weather!

We are only 8 days from departure date and we are looking forward to taking off on yet another year of mission Zambia!  Thank you everyone who has supported us and prayed for us - and please continue to follow the blog through our mission.  We attempt to post every day (unless we lose Internet connection, which is very possible) so you will be well informed of the ongoings and progress we are making in camp!

Leza Amumaleke! (God Bless)

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