Friday, May 20, 2011

A Request For Prayer

In lieu of a devotion today, I ask that each of you pray for all of our upcoming events.  I have listed several things that are happening within the Zambia team over the next few weeks, for we are only a short 2 months away from embarking on our mission.  And we need to make sure that these items are carefully prayed over and the right decisions are made.

  • Fundraising
    • At this point, we are doing well in our efforts to raise funds.  We do have a car wash fundraiser this coming Sunday, so please pray for no rain and a good crowd of people to show.  We still have not met the required funds needed to go, so please pray we will raise above and beyond what is needed.  We also want to make sure the funds we raise are spent wisely on the needs of the mission.
  • Items donated for the mission
    • Amber and Jako have asked for many items in which we will be approaching the church body, friends and family members for donations.   Please pray that these items will come to us from those willing to give.
  • Eye Ministry Packing Day
    • On June 9th we will begin sorting and re-packing our glasses for travel in suitcases for the mission.  Please pray that all will go well and that the glasses will travel safely on the long flight overseas.  This is a long process that takes much time, so we also pray that we are able to complete it in an efficient manner. 
  • Supply Bags
    • The airline will only allow us 2 free checked bags per person and it is possible that some team members will be taking three.  Please pray that the endeavor of packing o June 12th will be quick and painless, as we attempt to take all the items we receive.  And for the funds to take extra bags, so the mission can receive the items it needs to proceed. 
  • Team Training Day
    • June 25th is our team training day at the Kurtz household.  Pray for team unity as we work together to complete the project at hand.  Let this be a learning experience for each of us so that our mission in Zambia will be fruitful. 
I am sure there will be more prayer requests to come.  If you have anything laying heavy on heart, feel free to leave a comment or send an email to and the prayer request will be posted (if you wish to remain anonymous, please let me know).

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