Monday, May 9, 2011

Urgent Prayer Update

Below is an update from Amber and Jako on the recent prayer request concerning their land.  What a wonderful work God is doing in the Chief's life!  Let's continue to pray he will stand strong and continue his Christian faith, not falling to traditions of his culture that will hinder his walk with God. 

It is also a good lesson regarding "When Helping Hurts."  If you will remember from our last training session, Ed made a statement to the group on how making promises to people that you can't keep will hurt the ministry, as well as making sure we get approval for anything we are giving to someone through Amber and Jako.  The illustration Jako gives us below is a direct result from a promise made that was never followed through and how helping can ultimately hurt if we are not careful.

Thank you so much for all the prayers that have gone out on our behalf these past two days. We have been overwhelmed by the number of e-mails coming our way of people praying for us. God is Good ALL the time and I have no doubt that it is because of all the prayers and His Goodness that things went so well at the Chief today.

In short, it seems that the Chief has been hearing lots of rumors, lies, and villagers complaining about us (due to promises that were made from visitors of ours many years ago that didn't follow through on the promises) and today it seemed that God brought Truth to light. When shown the documents that he signed giving us the land and promising his protection, he remembered, straightened out those that were spreading rumors (or allowing them to circulate) and promised his protection once again, affirming the work that we are doing in the area. The headman that came with me were very supportive of the project as are most of the villagers and community around us.

It just goes to show how a few people, spreading false witness, can do a lot of damage. The Chief, headmen, and I had a good heart to heart talk and in the end the Chief even offered to go to the district council (who we have also been having difficulties with - due to who is really in control of this land, them or the chief) in order to sort the situation out and make sure that we are not being taken advantage of.

Tomorrow I will go to Livingstone to make an appointment for next Thursday (May 19th) for this important meeting. Please continue to keep this next meeting and the Chief in your prayers. While he confesses to be a Christian and seems to be trying to follow after God's way he is under tremendous pressure from the community and his council to continue in the traditional ways. He seems to be at an important crossroad where he is surrounded by people trying to help disciple and lead him and many trying to lead him in the ancestral and traditional ways as well.

We continue to pray for him and ask that you do as well as we believe that, at least now, his heart is earnest. In fact, his comment to me before I left was "Don't worry - God will work everything out for you". While we know that is ALWAYS true and that God will never allow anything to happen outside His will, we pray that the truth will continue to deepen and take root in the Chiefs heart so that he can influence many more for God's kingdom.

With deep and overwhelming appreciation for all of your prayers and support,and to God who abundantly supplies all we could ever ask for and imagine,

Jako, Amber, and Jakob John Joubert
Mission of Love Community Orphanage
Mukamba, Zambia

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