Monday, May 9, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request!

A message from Amber and Jako:

Things are going well here but we wanted to ask you for prayer on an urgent matter. Tomorrow (Monday) I am scheduled for a meeting with the Chief regarding ownership of two of our three pieces of land. Although the chief gave his verbal AND written approval of giving the land to us for use and offering his full protection he is now claiming that he only gave us the one piece of land and not the other two. Tomorrow he has asked for everyone that was there at the initial "land giving" to be present for a meeting with him. The two pieces of land in question are the crop land and the cattle land.

We have invested both time and money into both of these pieces (with well, clearing of land, building of structures for the animals) and really pray that God will move in the Chief's heart to give us his support of this land again as well (and maybe even do nothing short of a miracle to give us the title deeds) but also please pray for the Chief's heart in general. It seems that lately he might be allowing some bad counsel to taint his previously "good and honorable" leadership.

Obviously it is a bit nerve racking when the decision will be in someone else's hand but in our heart we know that God is in control and that NOTHING will happen outside of His will. Thanks for your prayers in this mater - that God would move in the Chief's heart, give me (and the others with me) wisdom in what to say and when, and peace and comfort in whatever the ruling is.

Thanks for all your prayers and support. We praise God for ALL His faithfulness and provision these past 8 years and walk forward in faith trusting that God isn’t done with us yet and that no power formed against us shall prosper.

with much appreciation to all of you and to God,
Jako, Amber, and Jakob John Joubert
Mission of Love Community Orphanage

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