Thursday, April 21, 2011

Zambia Team Devotional #9: Days

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John 19:30 “When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, "It is finished," and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”

Today’s devotional is all about Jesus. For today it was finished. Completed. Accomplished. Fulfilled.

In 3 days, we will celebrate His resurrection from the grave and His gift of eternal life. We are taught to always remember this as our walk in our Christian faith matures, but there is something to be said about the actual days that these occurrences happened. For example, today is the day He died on the cross.

And then there is Sunday, our celebration of Easter. The day He rose from the grave. The day we celebrate what He has done for us, as sinners. Death could not hold Him or defeat Him and because of this, we as Christians are promised the same.

Then there was the day shortly after the resurrection. The day He went home to His heavenly Father. A Father who sacrificed His one and only Son to save us from our iniquities and to give us a second birth more glorious than the first, forever with Him.

This Easter Sunday, for most we will attend services at church. We will spend time with friends and family, eating good food among good company. If there are little ones present, often an egg hunt will sprout from the days’ gathering. It is a wonderful time to be with the LORD, among those you love, celebrating in great reverence, what He has done for us.

But then, there is one more day. One that is yet to come. “Glorious Day” by Casting Crowns is an amazing song that comes to mind when I think of this day. The lyrics are incredible. But specifically, the chorus hits home: “Living He loved me, dying He saved me, buried He carried my sins far away. Rising he justified, freely forever, one day He’s coming, Oh Glorious Day – Oh Glorious Day!”

We are taken on a journey of life and death through this song. The great spiritual war that Jesus defeated for each of us – loving us, saving us and carrying our sins for us. His resurrection justified our freedom forever. And one day, He is going to return. I am forever grateful that on that day, I will be His. And on that day, it will again be finished. Completed. Accomplished. And fulfilled.

For today’s prayer, I invite you to listen to the song. Get lost in the words and praise God. Thank you Lord for this Glorious Day.

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