Saturday, February 26, 2011

Team Zambia Devotion #1: Travel

We are 20 weeks and counting down towards our journey as Zambia team 2011! As we embark on our mission this year, let us remember that it doesn’t start the moment we leave, it has already started and continues even after we return! Through team training and activities, we will begin to experience “Zambia” right here in Virginia – and then onward to Africa. Let’s begin our weekly prayer and devotion time for Zambia by reading Matthew 6:34: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Matthew writes about this in relation to our daily life. Matthew 6:25-34 emphasizes the entire scripture relating to our needs. We have such a tendency to get anxious about the traveling part of our trip. Even those who are not visibly anxious, have excitement brewing from within. What to take on the plane, if our luggage will arrive on time, am I going to have everything packed correctly or whether or not we will be able to make our connecting flights. I know some are excited about the 18 hour flight to Johannesburg, but others might be a little apprehensive.

Jesus teaches us not to worry. Even if our luggage doesn’t arrive at its final destination in Livingstone, Zambia. Don’t worry. But what if I get leg cramps on a plane sitting for 18 hours? Don’t worry. I get air sick, car sick, plane sick, and train sick. Don’t worry. In Philippians 4:6-7, Paul states “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Whatever is laying heavy on your mind, take it to God! If He can part the red sea and tear down the walls of Jericho, don’t you think it is possible for Him to make sure every piece of luggage can make it to Livingstone? Our God tells us to bring our worries to Him. And when we do, he will give us the understanding we need, as well as guarding our hearts and minds through who of all people? Jesus! So let’s pray this week for traveling mercies. That our flights will arrive to each destination safely, along with all of our luggage. That our sense of nervousness or excitement will not consume our minds. And that each of us will arrive in Zambia healthy and well rested for our mission. And thank you God for allowing each of us to share in this experience together – we look forward to what You have ready for us to do this July! All glory and power to you LORD! Amen.

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