Sunday, July 25, 2010

Our Journey Continues...

Thank you everyone who is posting comments on the site!  I read each to the team this evening and they we so happy to hear from many of you back home.  So please keep the comments coming!   But if you choose to comment, we ask that you please leave your name at the end :)  We know who we have received so far, but for future readings it will make it easier.

Also, the posts have been rather long the last few days because we have not started our work week yet.  If they tend to get shorter it is because we have had a long, hard day and much sleep is needed (which is usually when the posting to the site happens - after hours).  We will try and keep you as informed as possible!

Since yesterday you saw the orphanage, I thought today it would be fitting to see Amber and Jako's living quarters!  The girls are staying in bunk beds within the house and the boys are in Amber and Jako's old house (the big tent).  Here are a few pictures to keep you updated.

Amber and Jako's house

Amber and Jako's kitchen

The campsite toilets and showers

Today we started with church.  Jako taught a wonderful bible study on Ephesians 4.  And then we split into groups.  Richard stayed in the big church to preach the sermon and a few of us left to conduct Sunday school with the children.

Bible Study before church

Richard preaching (Charles translating)

Melanie (a guest at the camp) teaching Sunday school with the children (Obi translating)

Some of us have a tendency to flock towards the children.  They are all so precious and we love meeting them, seeing their smiles and having fun getting to know them.  One particular little girl at church (around age 2) was very tired.  Jeremy scooped her up and loved on her while she just laid comfortably in his arms!

Among other things that we did today, although mostly we relaxed, was to go visit the goat farm.  While there, we met Obi's wife and children, as well as some of Frances' children.  These are two men that live close to the goat farm to keep watch over the stock of goats and cows.  They had lots of baby goats! 

Alyssa with one of the baby goats

Not all were so lucky.  This goat will soon be dinner for us tomorrow night.  A lot of the team helped to kill and clean him.  Ben, Ethan, Katie and Alyssa removed the skin with Richard's assistance.  Jako removed the inner parts and Ed, Richard, Jako, Ben and Ethan cut the meat up for dinner tomorrow evening.  Now here is a question for you to comment on... who do you think killed the goat?  Reply with your answers using the comment section, as well as a little message to the team!  They would love to hear from you!

Richard and Ben holding our dinner after Frances and Obi caught it for us

Well, time to get to bed.  We will be in touch tomorrow if all goes well.  So far there have been very little hiccups.  The water got a little muddy this afternoon, but God fixed it for us without a hitch!  The problem was resolved in less than an hour with little work done.  So keep praying! 


  1. What wonderful pictures you are sending. We are enjoying them so very much and all the news is like food to our very souls. I feel I am spending most of my day speaking to God on your behalf. As for who might have killed the goat for your dinner, I would say not Jeremy for sure. He is more likely to bring it home with him as well as any of those precious children. I can't even begin to guess who might have done the deed, but I do hope you enjoy the goat. What is the weather like there? It is very hot here, near 100 degrees and very oppressive, but then a breeze comes along and makes it bearable. God watch over all of you and keep you safe and healthy. I shall pray that you all get some well deserved rest. God bless you all for your service. Janet & Jim Frazier

  2. Praise God for all that He is doing through each one of you. I think Cherrie killed the goat. She's a toughie!! :) Please know we love you all and pray the Holy Spirit continues to be with each one of you. ROCK ZAMBIA FOR JESUS! Liz Faison

  3. Thanks for the pictures - Ethan I just LOVED that grin on your face from yesterday's picture with the orphans. Kerry, sorry to see your picture was of your less handsome side :) I see you are wearing your beloved hat. It looks so cool there - not that way here at all as I am sure you have heard. This looks so amazing to me since the pictures from the first team's trip. What a miracle God has brought about. Love you all, Denise Skinner

  4. Oops! I left out Karen's assignment. I think Ethan killed the goat. Momma Skinner

  5. Ben has a big smile on his must have been him that killed the goat!

    BTW Ben, you left the light on in the basement!

  6. Thanks for the pictures. Now loving on the children sounds like my kind of "work". But that goat... Nope No part of that do I want to do.
    WOW Katie you helped skin it.What an amazing group. Steve did you kill the goat?? Keeping you all in my prayers.May God Bless You All.

  7. I know, I know who killed the goat. KAREN! (Ha, talked to jeremy this evening). How could you. Make sure you don't tell Olivia that. Poor thing. At least it could have been a old goat.
    Looks like you all are having a fun time. It looks so peaceful. Tell my hubby the kids had asked if he is bringing someone home to be their new brother or sister. That pic is priceless.
    I'm still laughing thinking about you killing the goat. I don't think I would have been able to unless I was really hungry. You'll have to let us know how the goat meat is, I like Lamb, so I'm guessing kinda like that. Make sure you all get lots of rest and enjoy the time there. We are all praying for you guys. Love you all. Tell Jeremy I love him and the kids say "good night" (even though its 4am there). Be safe. Becky

  8. Thanks for the great updates! It's so great to read about and see pictures of what you all are doing over there. Karen, I can't believe you killed the goat. I sure couldn't! But I figured it would be someone I wouldn't expect. :)

    For those of you I know, your presence at church was missed, along with the hugs. Keeping all of you in my thoughts & prayers. Looking forward to more updates about the work God is doing through you all! God bless. -Nikki Bolton

  9. Ahoy! I knew Ryan didn't kill the goat because no one mentioned anything about it being run over by the quad "by accident". That rabbit was good eatin', nevertheless, back on the 2008 trip.

    Jako and Amber - miss you guys! I hope to return next year with the team.

  10. Karen - great pictures - keep them coming - I can't believe Katie help skin the goat - wow - not excuses now kid (no pun intended)wait til I tell the Wednesday ladies. Tell Katie I love her and miss her. I lift all of you up in prayer - God is doing awesome work through all of you. Good Bless - Roz Wilson
