Thursday, July 15, 2010

On your Mark... Get Set... Go!

It's that time again!  Team Zambia has finished their training and will be departing this Wednesday, July 21st at 5:00pm from First Baptist Church of Woodbridge!  This year we have some exciting new challenges ahead of us.  Please pray for us as we prepare to take off on our journey in less than a week!

The first task we have been given by local missionaries Jako and Amber is to clear 2 hectors of land, to include tree stumps and brush removal, in preparation for planting crops this winter (which is spring in Zambia time).  With the orphans living in the first completed orphanage (yay!) they have many more mouths to feed!  We are also taking some left over crafts from VBS to make with the orphans and we are very grateful to the VBS children (and Cheryl Lytle) from FBCW for contributing their time, materials and effort making enough blankets to give to each one of them.  They will be very warm this winter!

Another ministry that we are very excited about this year is the new Eyeglass Ministry that we prepared for during our training here in Virginia.  In May, FBCW hosted a seminar given by Dr. David Curtis to learn the basics in optometry and distributing eyeglasses for foreign missions.  Almost the entire team took the seminar and we are well prepared for our task ahead of us!  Through Dr. Curtis and the local Lions Club Eyeglass Distribution Center of Northern Virginia, we were able to acquire 1300 pairs of glasses to take on our trip.

It may sound so far, as if we just took a class and ordered some eyeglasses.  But the process was much more than anticipated.  Once we received the glasses, we had to sort each of them by prescription.  And we could only use glasses that fit a certain criteria - so we had to weed out those we were unable to take.

There were about 25 of the rectangular boxes (shown in picture above) filled with anywhere from 75 to 100 glasses. And even though it was a long process to get through them all (about 5 hours), we had a little fun along the way!

After preparing each Ziploc package of glasses by prescription, we were able to arrange them into vacuum seal bags and secure them tightly for our trip (another 5 hours).  We categorized each bag after they had been filled with glasses so we could catalog what we were taking.  If for some reason we lose a bag on the way due to various airplane changes, etc. - we will know what arrives and what doesn't! 

We took the blankets from VBS (mentioned above) and packed the glasses nicely in between each to give them a little cushion!  We were also given a lot of clothes from various donors, some even brand new, to take for the people in Zambia as well. 

We hope to see roughly 300 people per day while administering the exams and distributing eye glasses in the bush.  We are so grateful that God has given us the opportunity to give those who have no ability to see a doctor, much less the means to obtain glasses, the gift of sight!  And not only will they be receiving free glasses, they will also have the opportunity to learn about God's free gift of salvation!  We have 1300 powerful little tools (glasses) that God has given us to glorify His name.  Can I get an Amen?!

Finally, at our last meeting we had an amazing demonstration given to us by Ed and Richard.  In John chapter 13, Jesus washes the disciples feet.  Particularly verses 12 - 17: 

"When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. "You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them."

As Ed and Richard washed each of our feet, our team gathered in prayer.  Aloud we prayed for all parts of the mission, our family members back home, the people of Zambia, our fellow missionaries Amber, Jako and baby Jakob, safe travels and most importantly, that God may be increased in all of our efforts.  Jesus, we are truly blessed when we do these things in Your name.  Thank you so much for giving each of us the opportunity to share this with You. ~Amen.

We hope that each one of you will continue to return to this blog daily and pray for us as we embark this Wednesday on our journey to Zambia, Africa for yet another amazing year!  Thank you so much for each of your prayers and we look forward to sharing this time with you.  Please do not hesitate to comment on the blog posts!  We would love to hear from you while we are there!

Team Zambia 2010

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