Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weekend Update


The plan of the day was to get the concrete poured for Amber and Jako’s house, with the help of the locals, we got about 2/3 finished. It’s 12 inches deep and 24 inches wide, that’s a lot of concrete to mix by hand. Keep in mind the sand comes from a dried river bed about 55 minutes away, the water has to be pumped by hand, and everything mixed by hand. Mandy also got some more painting done in the orphanage kitchen, looks great. Great news, Jako, the master of all things mechanical, got both generators working again (this is why this update is here).


Kind of a slow day, went to church, and enjoyed worshipping with the locals one more time. Jako and Ryan did a bit of maintenance on the ’63 Land Rover. Everyone did a bit of this or that. We’re going to show the Jesus Film later tonight to a nearby village. Everyone is doing very well health and spirit-wise.

Kitchen paining (lots more of this)

hand mixing the concrete

Looking good!

Brother, sister, and husband at church

leading the kids in "Deep and Wide"

1 comment:

  1. I saw Shawn Potter at church today and we had a good conversation about you all. "I looked at the blog. They're digging footers again..." he said with a wry smile. I hope the final day or so in Mukamba is rewarding and fruitful.

    How many Tongans attended the Jesus Film on Sunday night, and how many came forward to know more about Christ?
