Friday, July 24, 2009

We're in Zambia! Just a bit more to go.

It's 3:00 PM here, local time. We've gathered most of our luggage, two bags didn't make it all the way, but we'll have them Wednesday, fortunately they weren't anyone's private bags, just extra clothes and stuff we brought for the village. That last flight was llooonnnngggg, 13 hours. Praise God, everyone's feeling great and healthy. We've stopped in Livingstone to get a bite to eat and supplies before heading out for our ride into the bush. The bush ride is about 4 hours long, so it'll be dark when we get there. I'll try to update the blog tonight after the tents are set up to let you all know we got there safe and sound.

I know I speak for all the team members when I thank you all for supporting us while we're here. You're as much as a part of the team as the 14 of us here.

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