Thursday, July 30, 2009

School visit today

Today was another great day in Zambia. The footers for the school's foundation were finished today, because of the unevenness of the ground, it's about 4 ft deep in places. Some of the team visited the local school today and had a great time with the kids, Liz and Jim are pictured below with some of the children. More of us should be going again tomorrow. The cutting and working of the wood for the orphanage beds continued today, this wood is nothing like you buy at Home Depot. It comes about 20 ft long, 3 inches thick and really rough sawn, but with the aid of a generator and some power tools, we're making short work of it. Richard rode with Jako to Lusaka today to pick up Amber and Jako's work permits to stay in country for 2 more years. The tractor that Jako depends on so much here in camp is having transmission issues, please pray that it's a simple fix.

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