Friday, July 25, 2008

Work Day 7

Today on the orphanage building we "checked a block" and are nearing milestone two other milestones! The Lord has blessed us with perfect weather and health to work hard all week and accomplish His calling for our team.

We accomplished our first milestone in that all of the wood for the roof, which arrived Monday night, has now been treated with presevative. The hired brick masons have been finishing the lentels and are far enough along that tomorrow, Saturday, we will begin emplacing the roof!

Back at the baroche pit to excavate this rocky substrate for the orphanage floors, we continue to be supported by local community members (Progress, on whose land the pit is located; Ronald, who is Chairman of the orphanage's board of directors, and many young men in their 20's: Drought and his two friends, Francis).

The orphanage board met at camp. Pictured is Tenson who is an Orphanage Director and another member Sanmaria.

The board joined us for lunch during which we sang songs for them, and the sang songs for us. Chairman Ronald expressed a touching, heartfelt thanks to us helping to build the orphanage as a blessing from God.

Meanwhile, some of the team went to the river again for sand to mix into the cement for the orphanage floor. The challenges of Africa never cease; on the return trip the Toyota Hilux got stuck in the mud and had to winch itself out.

Also we saw our first scorpion at the campfire tonight. Please pray for our continued blessings from God, safekeeping and health, and success in accomplishing all of our planned projects for the orphanage building before we leave next Tuesday morning. We expect to finish the baroche on Saturday!! Our church, family, and friends are in our prayers.

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