Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, and Work Day 9 of 9

Sunday, the 27th, was a hard-earned day of rest and worship of the Lord. We worshipped again at Pastor Petrus's church. Three people came forward to accept Christ at the end of the service. We arrived early and Petrus asked the team to sing songs while we awaited the 9:30 a.m. start. The service began with Jako's continuing bible study of the book of Ruth. Later in the service Jim, Faison led three songs, one accompanied by Amy Tromba. Ed Windhausen and Ryan Ervin led the sermon at Petrus' request. Tim Thomas gave testimony to God's healing powers in relation to his son Austin's serious boating accident and miraculous and quick recovery. Jackie and Amy led the children outside in some fun songs and acted out the fall of the walls of Jericho.

In the evening we showed The Jesus Film at the nearby soccer field and over 200 local people attended though these folks have seen the film many times. About 40 came forward with interest in deepening their relationship with Christ.

Monday, the 28th of July, was our final work day as we leave Mukamba early Tuesday morning. As the orphanage floor and lentels above the windows were completed last Saturday, the construction of the roof continued.

Richard led the construction and was assisted by Billy, Steve, Tim, and Brenda.

In this photo you can see the final progress on the roof before we have to leave on Tuesday morning. We praise God that we have been blessed with the physical strength and endurance, as well as the raw materials from nearby ground, to make so much progress in 9 working days.

Tomorrow morning, we will say goodbye to beautiful Mukamba. We feel bittersweet. The people of Mukamba have been so friendly and have volunteered much time. We have come to know and love many of them. Our bodies are tired and we miss home and family, but a part of us also would like to stay and see the orphanage through its final stages over the next few months.

God clearly blessed this mission and provided us physical protection, peace and comaraderie within the team, strong fellowship, and much grace.

We look forward to our flight on Friday mid-day which arrives back at Washington Dulles at 12:45 pm Saturday.

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